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2 Weeks Later

Shinsou rubs his back, Denki whined and cried throwing up. Mic wakes up hearing Denki "boys are you ok" "were fine pa" Shinsou said, Denki cried throwing up more. "Shota something is wrong with Denki" Mic lightly shook Aizawa, Shinsou rubs circle's into Denki's back. "No I feel so damn emotional" Denki cries more, "Do you think your pregnant" Shinsou said. "I don't know" Denki cries hugging Shinsou, Shinsou rubs his back in circles. "Can we go see Recovery Girl" Denki asked calming down a little, "Sure" Shinsou said. Denki wipes his mouth and got up, "Do you want me to carry you?" Shinsou asked. "if you want to do that, I don't mind" Denki says, Shinsou carries him to Recovery Girl.

Denki snuggles to his chest "will your parents kill you for getting me pregnant, if I am" "No they won't Denki" Shinsou said, "ok" Denki smiles. 

Meanwhile With BakuDeku

"Damnit" Bakugo cursed, "Kacchan" Deku whined throwing up. Bakugo rubs his back "Deku you ok" "did you check to see if the protection broke" Deku asked, Bakugo checks to see if it broke "umm it has a tear in it" "you went to hard, hand me the test please" Deku asked before throwing up again. Bakugo gives him the test "Hey you asked me to go hard", Deku pouts getting up and used the test. "Hey Deku if it turns out positive I wanna keep it" Bakugo said, "I was going to keep it weather you wanted the baby or not" Deku finished with the test "now we wait 1, 5, to 10 minutes" "Oh Bakugo got embarrassed. Deku giggles "I my puppy embarrassed" "I'm not a puppy I'm a wolf" Bakugo pouted, "ok" Deku set the test on the sink.

"What if it turns out negative" Bakugo asked, "I'll be sad and try again till its positive" Deku says. "Ok" Bakugo said, "what should we do while we wait" Deku asked. "I don't know" Bakugo said, Deku thinks on what to do. Bakugo kisses his neck, Deku squeaks moaning in surprised. "You like that bunny~" Bakugo kisses his lips, Deku blushes nodding. Bakugo kisses his lips and sucks on his nipples, Deku moans holding his head. "Deku Hold on to me" Bakugo said, Deku wraps his arms around Bakugo's neck. Bakugo sticks a finger in his ass, Deku gasped moaning. Bakugo sticks a second finger in his ass, "Kacchan" Deku moans louder bucking. Bakugo sticks a third finger in his ass, Deku cries out arching.

"What's my name" Bakugo smacks his ass, "Kacchan!!" Deku cries out more. "My other name it starts with a d" Bakugo smacks his ass, "daddy!!" Deku cries out. "Your my little slut, who do you belong to say it" Bakugo said, "do you have to call me that, have you even called me by my name" Deku whines. "well your my future husband and your bunny so I'll call you bunny then~" Bakugo said, "can you call me Izuku and Zuzu to, I haven't heard those names since we were kids" Deku asked looking down at him. "Fine Zuzu it is" Bakugo said, "I like bunny to" Deku pouts. "I'll use bunny then~" Bakugo said "Did you check the test yet" "Zuzu and Bunny, stop with the either or and no I haven't" Deku picks the test up looking, "Well what's the results" Bakugo asked.

Deku cried happy tears and grabs Bakugo's hands putting them on his belly "take a guess", "Were having a baby" Bakugo said. Deku nods showing him the test "its positive", Bakugo tears up. Deku cries happily, "Were having a baby I bet it's a girl" Bakugo said. "or a boy" Deku giggles, "What if it's twins" Bakugo said. "double of everything and maybe one crib" Deku says, Bakugo purrs. Bakugo tail wagging happily, "who's a good boy" Deku smiles wiggling his bunny tail. "I'm not a dog" Bakugo told Deku, Deku pouts whining with his ears down. "Fine I'm dog only for you though" Bakugo said, "yay" Deku scratches his ears. Bakugo tail wagging happily, "should we tell Mr. Aizawa" Deku asked.

"If you want to it's up to you" Bakugo said, "its better to let him know, just for a heads up" Deku says. "Alright" Bakugo said, "where should we start looking" Deku asked. "Probably in the teachers lounge" Bakugo said. "lets go" Deku says, 

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