Chapter 3

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I gently wrapped the painting with wrapping paper, a really pretty pink to be exact. Putting a bow and a little tag, I put it on my desk to bring it to him tomorrow. I figured i'd continue my little run, it wouldn't hurt right? He was fun to draw, so many features and curves even in just his quills. It was challenging, but I adored it. By far him and Sonic were the most fun. I've drawn my friends before, but not as much as right now. I scribbled him down in different poses, enjoying every single one. Suddenly, it ended up not so innocent anymore.

I looked to the many drawings in my book, filled with not so nice drawings. If you catch my drift, draw me like a french girl. My face was beat red, and yet I didn't really want to stop. I'd be lying if I didn't say I've seen parts of his body. There's been times his shirt would drop as he leaned down, or when he changed in his back room shirts due to spills. I always looked away half way however, so I only ever saw parts of his chest. But from what I did see, he had some nice muscles. You could see it in his arms when he leaned over, especially when his sleeves were rolled up. I started to draw him with.... Faces that weren't too kid friendly. Faces of pleasure, arousal, and more. I held the book tight, needing a minute to let myself cool down. The images came back, of his hands grabbing my waist and taking what he so pleased from my body. Scrunching up, my mind went wild. The things I'd allow him to do, the marks i'd love him to make, the things I'd love him to take, the things I'd love him to invade, oh I really couldn't keep quiet.

God, I'm such a mess.

-week later-

I still hadn't given it to him, I got too flustered. But today, I wasn't about to let it slide. His class was just ending, so I quickly made my way to his desk. Quickly putting it in front of him, I zoomed out of the class room before he could even look up.

-Shadow, Finally-

A gift was dropped in front of me, but when I looked up I couldn't tell who in the crowd gave it. I looked down to the pink wrapping, figuring it was one of the girls most likely. Looking at the tag, I chuckled. "From Silver, To mr. Shadow. Wonder what it is." I spoke out loud to myself. I gently opened the wrapping paper, not really willing to rip it. Fully getting it off, I looked at the canvas before me. I smiled at the perfect strokes that made me of all people. I didn't get gifts often, and even then it was usually from mere friends.

 I didn't get gifts often, and even then it was usually from mere friends

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(Art is not mine, I merely did editing to make it look like a painting) 

 I rolled my chair, standing up to hang it next to my board to be seen by everyone. I'll buy a frame for it soon, but for now this'll do. Such a sweetheart, he's been seeming so off recently. I worry for the little guy, he's probably under a lot of weight at the moment. If he wasn't my student, I'd adore to have him. Such a sweet gentle soul, I could use that in my life.

Those amber eyes were just filled with purity and innocence, striking my heart everytime he would look up to me. I've had to start leaning behind him instead of beside him just so I can focus on my own words. His eyes mesmerize me, like they're casting a spell on my poor soul. I leaned back into my chair, staring up to it pleased. I thought long about it, since this entire hour I had no class. It's not illegal if nobody finds out. The students would soon have a holiday break, something the school did since kids were stressed out by now. In only three weeks, it wasn't too far now. I would request if he'd like to stay with me during it, since I know he didn't wanna see his parents. I smirked at the idea, nobody would catch anything if I started to get a little flirty. I'd win over his heart and we'll stay low profiled, and I'll have him come home with me instead of the dormitory. Such a perfect plan.

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