Chapter Eighty Four

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A/N: If you have not watched the season finale of TFTWS, please do not read this chapter. It contains spoilers. I watched the episode at three am so I could publish this chapter for you guys. Please enjoy!!

"Mr. and Mrs. Barnes, please have a seat." The fertility doctor said as they were called into her office.

Catherine had never been so anxious. Normally she wasn't a fan of doctors, but this was one doctor she wanted to hear from. Bucky reached over, gripping Catherine's hand. He wanted to know that she wasn't alone, no matter what news was about to be delivered.

The doctor flipped open a folder which they assumed held their medical records. "I know you've been having issues conceiving and we're hoping to get answers. After looking over both of your test results and labs I've come to a conclusion. Mr. Barnes, with your...interesting history of being frozen and un frozen mixed with the super Solider serum, it's depleted your fertility."

Bucky drew a breath in. So it was his fault they couldn't have a child. Guilt overcame him and he shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

The doctor turned to Catherine. "Mrs. Barnes, your mother also faced similar issues and given your history with your hemorrhage, your very unlikely to conceive naturally at least. The fact that you two have one child is a miracle."

So it wasn't just Bucky, it was both of them. Bucky supposed that even the most 'perfect' couples had issues. He could see Catherine's eyes watering up. She scrunched up her nose, trying her best not to let the tears flow.

"You do have a few options. One of those is surrogacy which is how you were conceived Catherine. We could try IVF as well."

Catherine cleared her throat. "Um, thank you Dr. Lewis for everything. I think my husband and I need some time though."

She couldn't run out of the room faster. She couldn't bear to listen to the doctor speak another word. She would be okay, she knew she would but she just needed air. She felt Bucky wrap his arms around her tightly the minute they got outside. He rubbed his hand in a soothing manner along her back.

"These things happen." He whispered.

Catherine drew back. "I know. I-I just wanted you to experience the whole pregnancy and baby thing. I know you got robbed of that with William."

Bucky shook his head. "It's okay, I promise. We're going to be okay. At least we have some answers. We have Will and that's enough for me."

"I'll be okay. Eventually. I just need to let the shock go away." She assured him. "We also need to talk to William about that school."

"What are you thinking?" He asked as they began to walk.

"I don't know honestly. I want him to have a normal childhood, but we would be holding him back. I don't want him to grow up too fast." She admitted. "I wish someone would have told me how hard it is to be a parent sometimes."

Bucky chucked. "Well, if it means anything, I think you're doing a great job. I don't know if I could have raised him for five years by myself."

Catherine couldn't help but blush. "Thank you."

They weren't the type of family to usually have the TV on while eating dinner. Catherine actually despised the idea of having it on. She felt like dinner time was the perfect time to sit down, decompress, and talk about your day. However, given everything going on with the Flag Smashers, she allowed it. It was nice sitting down with William for the first time in what felt like forever. For the first four, now almost five years of his life she was always with him. No SHIELD missions. No Avengers. It was just them. She knew it had to be equally hard on their son.

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