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Sometimes a happy illusion is better than a grim reality.

                                                    - James Patterson

Aris had spent the rest of the weekend deciding how to approach Clay the next day. Should she be blunt, just asking him right off the bat if he'd like to go out again, or should she wait for him to ask her? However, she had always lived by the phrase "go big or go home", so she decided to just rip off the bandaid and ask him flat out on Monday.

'I mean really, what's the worst that could happen? He says no, and it's no big deal.' She thought casually, making her way towards where his locker was.

Suddenly, she felt a firm grip around her arm as she was dragged quickly into the classroom she was passing by, the person who dragged her in then shutting the door behind them.

"What the fuck asshole!" She spat, turning around, "Oh, it's just you." She scoffed, meeting Edward's amber eyes.

He feigned an insulted expression, gliding over to the door and standing in front of it as if to block her in.

"Care to explain why you dragged me in here and are gonna make me late for first block?" She inquired.

"You were gonna be late anyways," he stated plainly, though his voice was harsh, "you know, with you about to go and ask out Clay again."

"How did you-"

"I overheard your friends talking about it," he cut her off with a wave of his hand, "but that's not important. Aris, don't go out with him again." Edward's tone was firm, but slightly pleading.

Aris groaned, annoyed.

"Edward, we've been over this, you can't stop me from dating people just because you're lonely-"

"No, that's not why," he cut her off again, "Aris, if you're gonna date someone, then at least date someone who's gonna treat you how you deserve. I can read Clay's mind, remember? He likes you, but he's just so... not good enough." He explained, struggling to find the right words.

"What do you mean?" She asked curiously, "what's going on in his head that makes him seem not good enough to you?"

Edward was again struggling to find the right words.

"His thoughts around you are just... possessive. Like you're a prize to be won, rather than an actual human," his voice was distressed, "and from the way he thinks about things, he seems quite inexperienced with women and dating too. That's probably why he didn't pay for your first date, and left me there with you, not even knowing if I was a good guy or not."

Aris hummed.

"You keep saying that he won't treat me right, but I'm struggling to understand why you care in the first place."

Edward scoffed as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Don't flatter yourself, it doesn't have to do with you specifically. Clay doesn't seem to understand, nor respect, women as well as he should, and therefore he shouldn't be dating any." He shrugged.

"Clay treats me just fine. And I've only had one date with him for Christ's sake, and somehow you're already making these ridiculous assumptions about him! He treats me like how all other men do, which is just fine. He hasn't done anything wrong yet." Aris argued.

Edward sighed heavily.

"I didn't want it to have to come to this, but you've given me no other choice," he stated, "I'm taking you out to dinner, and I'm going to show you the difference between puny teenage boys who don't know how to treat women, and men who do. That way, maybe you'll up your standards and go for someone who actually pays for your dinner and doesn't leave you alone with strangers."

"You can't be serious." Aris scoffed.

"Here, I'll make you a deal," he suggested, "if after I take you out you still feel like running back to Clay, you can do so with absolutely no interference from me. I promise."

She scoffed again.

"Yeah, and you promised you wouldn't mess up any of my future relationships again, and look what you're trying to do right now."

"That was before I knew you were going back to him. I assumed you'd be going for someone who's actually in your league and going to treat you right. Like one of the immortals that you're always hanging out with at the Denali's parties." He suggested.

He'd never admit that it was blood curdling to suggest someone else for her to go on a date with, but he knew that she'd do so eventually, so it was better if it was an immortal rather than a human, because at least then they'd been living for awhile and probably had had enough experience with women to treat them decently.

"I just don't understand why you care so much Edward," she sighed, "we hate each other, remember? It's not like Clay's abused me, or even been rude to me. He was just a little distracted because of what you did. I'm sure he would've paid if you hadn't practically run over his sister with a car." She accused.

Edward knew that she was right. Clay wasn't necessarily a bad kid per say, but still, the selfish part of Edward wanted to keep Aris to himself for a reason he didn't know, or rather, didn't want to admit.

Though, he knew that eventually Aris would find someone. I mean just look at her, she had all these boys wrapped so tightly around her finger, including Edward, though again, he'd never admit that of course. She could get practically anyone she wanted with not only her looks, but her personality which was so unique and enticing. The confidence she radiated drew everyone to her, whether they were aware of it or not, so it was inevitable that she was to end up with someone eventually, and Edward knew that he would have to sit back and let that happen, no matter how much he wanted to or not.

"Trust me, you'll thank me later. After I take you out, you'll never settle for someone like him again. But, if you still choose to, then you have my word that you're free to go back to him without any interference from me at all," he promised, "and if you don't believe me, then feel free to tell my sisters about our little arrangement. They'll for sure hold me to my word."

Aris thought over this for a few silent minutes, contemplating everything. She could either, A: Go to Clay without going on the "date" with Edward first, though that would surely result in him ruining it again. B: Do what Edward was suggesting, though she really wasn't keen on the idea of going out with him, regardless if it was fake or not, or C: Do neither and stay single, and that option was looking like a really good idea right now.

She finally settled on option B, partially because now that she had reentered the world of dating, she didn't exactly want to leave it again quite so soon, and also partially because she was curious as to what Edward had planned for them.

"I'll take your deal Edward," she finally obliged, "I just need a time and place."

His insides relaxed from their previous distress, and now formed into a new feeling. Excitement, perhaps?

"Great, I'll text you the details, and I'm sure Alice will be kidnapping you shortly to take you shopping." He smiled, opening the door for her to step out.

She nodded reluctantly, wondering how on earth she had allowed herself to get into a situation where she was being forced on a date with someone she hated.

They both exited through the doorway, only to be met face to face with a suspicious glare from the one person she was wishing wouldn't see them exit an empty classroom together, knowing how suspicious that probably looked.


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