A Cowboy, A Cat and some Swordsmen walk into a bar.

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   "What"... William said "The"... Jaguar said "Giant!" Den Yelped. The lady was 15 feet tall, with a cowboy hat, jorts, and a white t shirt. Her round, fatty face contrasted with her thick arms, and muscular thighs. Her skin was dark, seeming smooth, yet sturdy seeming Her hair was black, and curly. How are y'all doing? Den Looked up, blushing furiously. He got a bloody nose, and fell unconscious.

"Swordsman's handbook: The Worlds Creatures:  Volume II: Section: Plains: Chapter: eight hundred and sixty seven: Giants- Giants are humans that were originally born normal sized, but never stopped growing, this process happens at random, and has sped up in recent years, causing giants to be much less rare. Giants are able to reproduce with normal humans, due to them not being true giants, but rather very large humans. Giants are many times more durable, and strong as the average human. Their sizes vary, the smallest giant being 11 feet tall, and the largest being 40 fe-" Bimala said, being cut off by Jaguar

"We literally just woke up. Could you not?" Jaguar said, annoyed. William walked up to the giant with his hand on his sword, "what brings you here, Giant?" He asked. "I live here" The Giant said. "AHHH, THAT COWBOY BROUGHT US TO A GIANTS DEN TO KILL US!" Bimala yelled, panicked. "You're strong, remember?" Jaguar reminded Bimala. "Oh. Right." She said, calming down.

Smog and a Dark brown figure walked out of a door. Smog put his arm around the figure and around the giants leg. "Holy crap, Its big foot!" Jaguar yelled "I don't think even I can take these two on!" Jaguar said, worried. The figure was 9 feet and covered head to toe in brown hair. That was it. Den got up, and looked at the hairy creature. It kind of reminded him of Harley. Den was silent. "Do not say the name of my lord in the same sentence as "Crap". I am a Sasquatch, descendant of the yetis My name is Dii-Ukk But you can call me Derick." Derick, The Sasquatch said. "I'm Small Bertha" The giant said

"Ironically, I'm guessing." William said. "Sasquatches praise the titan, Bigfoot, your should probably respect that, when you are so close to one" Bimala said to Jaguar. "These two are my roommates, ignore them" Smog said. He went outside and smoked a cigarette. Thats not good for you, you know Jaguar said. Smog took the cigarette away from his mouth showing that it wasn't burnt, or even lit at all "Wait, then how did you-" Smog walked off, the four followed him.

"Me and my friends are outcasts in this town, they hate Bertha because she's a giant, Derick because he uses magic, and me because I'm-" Smog paused, not finishing. "Gay?" Den asked. "What? No! well yes, but thats not why they hate me! Tons of cowboys are Gay! I'm just trying to be mysterious!" Smog yelled. The five of them kept walking until they arrived at a bar.

Smog walked in, and the rest followed. "Well Well Well, look what the cat dragged in." The barkeep said. "What the Hell are you talking about? Jaguar didn't drag in shit!" Den yelled. "Well actually..." Jaguar said, lugging around a dead goose, and a huge rat. "Why do you have those? Now I look stupid!" Den said. "What do you mean? I need to pass my hunting skills onto you so that you know how to survive!" Jaguar yelled

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