Chapter Six

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Clementine's P.O.V

"Madripoor could give New York a run for its money" Sam jokes following Sharon through the loading bay of shipment containers "they know how to party" Zemo confirms. Bucky's on my right and Sam on my left, Zemo seemed to be keeping ahead of us "with that bounty on your head, the longer you're here the less likely you are to ever leave" Sharon states following the little map on her phone. We come to a stop outside container 4261. I hug the cropped leather jacket closer to me and double-check my gun and knives were still in place. Even though I can control fire, Nat never let me leave without some weapons, a lesson that always stuck with me.

"I'll keep an eye out while you guys talk to Nagel, but hurry. We are on borrowed time" she explains. I gab my earpiece from her palm and follow behind Bucky to the container, Sam opens the door to reveal an empty space "hey Sharon are you sure this is the right one? it's completely empty" Sam questions walking deeper into the container. Bucky and I stay at the door, I could feel his breath against my neck "positive. It has to be" she snaps back.

Zemo flashes his light to the back of the container before walking over, he places his hands on the metal and pushes it back to open a secret door. Bucky and Sam share a look before reaching for their guns "stay close" Bucky grumbles walking ahead with his gun raised. Zemo smirks at me as I follow behind them, rolling my eyes. Music fills the room as we venture deeper into the hidden lab, someone was singing along to the tune as we turned a corner. A man stood with his back to us dressed in a white lab coat, I reach over and stop the record player. The man jumps and turns to face Sam "Dr. Nagel?" Sam asks, taking a few steps closer.

"Who are you? What do you want?" he rushes out. His body shaking slightly "we know you created the super-soldier serum" Sam tells him, Nagel pushes himself away from his walk desk and brushes past Sam "get out of my lab" he hisses before turning towards Bucky and I. Nagel's face pales as his eyes shift between us, Sam grabs his forearm "you know who he is, right? and her?" Sam taunts as he moves Nagel closer to us "I know who they are?" Nagel confirms as he watches Bucky and me "this is Baron Zemo, I know you've heard of him too, right? You seem like a pretty smart guy, so you better become conversational real quick" Sam threatens, pushing him back against the metal cage.

"How about a counter proposal? I want her blood and I'll talk" Nagel offers pointing at me, Bucky's quick to grab Nagel by his coat and force him to sit down, placing the gun against his head. Sharon's voice fills my ears "Guys we got company, every bounty hunter in the city is here, we gotta go!"

"You're not getting anything from her" Bucky growls as Sam nods in agreement. Bucky shoots the gun behind Nagel, a clear warning "okay, okay" he stutters raising his hands in surrender "I was brought into Hydra Winter Soldier's program to pick up their work after the five failed test subjects in Siberia. When Hydra fell I was recruited by the CIA, they had blood samples from an American subject with semi-stable traces of serum in his system" Nagel explains. Buckys body stiffens next to me as he and Sam stare at each other. The American test subject was Isaiah.

"After much labor, I was able to isolate the necessary compounds in his blood. I was a god. Mine was subtle, optimized. No jacked up bodies or clunky machines" he adds. Sam shakes his head "how have we never heard about this?" he mutters looking over at me. Nagel smirks "because I was turned to dust before I could complete my work, then when I returned it was five years later. The powerbroker was more than happy to fund my recreation" I cross my arms over my chest as I stare down at him "how many virals did you make?" I ask.

Nagels eyes shoot up to mine "twenty, Karli Morgenthau stole those so I can only imagine what the Powerbroker has planned for that poor girl. I don't know where she is but she called a few days ago asking me to help a woman called Donya Madani" he tells us. I turn away from him and sigh in frustration. We need to find Karli before the Powerbroker. Buckys hand rests on my shoulder "Is there any serum In this lab?" he asks Nagel. When he doesn't answer, Bucky presses the gun against his head again "no" he breathes out.

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