Everyone has dumb fears

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Duff ends up living with his friend and his band after his friend kicked him out.

//Duff x Slash

*Duffs POV*
I chewed on my hoodie string as I waited for the door to open. My now ex friend kicked me out after I got mad at him and threw a bottle at his head for banging my now ex girlfriend. It's not my fault he told me when I was drunk. I ended up calling Slash on a payphone and he said I could come live with him and his band.

They live in a party house with three bedrooms. He said Axl has his own room. Steven the drummer and Izzy the other guitarist share the biggest room. He said I could share his room with him or sleep on the couch. It's a party house, I don't think I trust the couch.

Slash opened the door and there was female hanging on his arm. He smiled and nudged the girl away. "Heeyy Duff. Come in it's raining." He was drunk or high or something. He grabbed my arm and pulled me into the house. "Welcome to the jungle babbeyy" He said holding his arms out to the party.

I wasn't too much of a party person, or one to do drugs but I guess what's the worse that could happen. A shorter blond walked up to me, who I'm assuming is Steven, and had a tray with him. "Come on, try some." He held the tray up that held coke and dollar bills. "Fuck, why not." I leaned down,picked up the dollar bill, and snorted a line of coke off the tray.

I've done coke before but that was way back in highschool. I pulled my head back and rubbed my nose. I forget how fucking weird this shit felt when it's up your nose. Slash grabbed my arm and led me through the party to a bedroom.

He opened the door and led me in. "Welcome home blondie." I grabbed my backpack and threw it in the corner. "If...If you need me I'll be hunting out some hot chicks." With that he shut the door and left. I pulled off my jacket and threw it on the chair in the room. I looked at the door. Eh, why the fuck not. I walked out of the bedroom and was instantly met with a chick. Maybe being here won't be so bad.


It was around three in the morning and everyone was gone, including Steven. Axl said don't worry about it he'll be back in the morning. He was snuggled up to a very drunk Izzy. Axl was pretty gone too. Slash was laying on the floor watching TV and I was curled up with a pillow on the couch. Slash got up and brushed his fingers through his hair. "I'll be in my room. If Stevie comes back lock the door, don't do it now. His keys are on the hook."

Slash left the room and Axl kicked his legs onto my lap. His head was laying in Izzy's lap and Izzy was playing with his hair. Not long Axl was asleep and almost falling off the couch. I looked outside and It was heavily raining. I watched as lightning flashed across the sky. Suddenly thunder cracked across the sky. I jumped and woke up Axl. "Duff stop fucking moving." Axl complained before balling up with his head still on Izzy's lap.

Izzy looked at me and chuckled. "What, fucking scared of thunder." I shook my head and stood up. "Just surprised me." "Nah, you're fucking scared." I rolled my eyes and the thunder cracked again. I jumped again and Izzy chuckled. "Fuckin scaredy-cat ." "Shut up, your high." He shrugged his shoulders and went back to playing with Axl's hair.

I scurried off to Slash's room and he was snuggled up in a blanket watching his tv. " "You can sit on the bed. I don't bite" You could tell he's sobered up since four hours ago. He just looked tired. "Do you have pants I can borrow for bed?" "Just sleep in your underwear. My only pair of sweats is in the laundry." I nodded and started untying my leather pants when the thunder shook the house again. I jumped and tears struck me eyes. I quickly wiped them away so Slash wouldn't see. Izzy was already bothering me about it. I kicked my pants off and sat on the bed next to Slash.

We settled down in the bed, my head on his shoulder when the thunder struck again. I jumped and started crying. I've always had a horrible fear of storms. I got locked outside once when I was younger and home alone. I saw a lightning strike hit a electrical pole and start a fire. From there I just never liked storms. Rain was okay but when it started to get loud and windy it drove me crazy.

Slash looked at me and wrapped his arms around me. "Scared?" I shook my head and wiped my eyes. "I'm not scared of anything." Which was a lie. I was scared if a lot of things. Like storms and Clowns, fucking clowns. "Yes you are. You're crying darling." I shook my head and Slash giggled. "It's okay. Everyone is scared of something." "Well being scared of storms is stupid."

Slash shook his head. "No it's not, everyone has dumb fears. Izzy, he's scared of snakes. Axl is scared of worms. Steven is scared of fucking butterflies. One day one got in through the window and he about had a heart attack. Me, I'm scared of fire. I caught my hair on fire when lighting a cigarette once. Haven't touched a match since. I make someone else light my cigarettes for me." He giggled.

The lighting struck again and I moved closer to Slash until I was basically on his lap. I dug my head into the crook of his neck. His hand rubbed up and down my back and he kissed the side of my head. I could hear the wind picking up and blowing again the house. "Get up for a sec."

I got off his lap and he walked over to his snake tank. "Izzy may hate snakes but it doesn't stop me from having one." He lifted his snake out of the tank. "You've never met her. This is bullet. She's a ball python. She's a rescue and will bite if your loud. I found her in a tank on the side of the rode. I took her to a reptile vet and said she probably wouldn't make it over night but I nursed her back to health. It took almost loosing a finger but where best friends now. Hold your arms out."

I held my arms out and she twisted herself up my arm. She found herself around my neck and I kinda started to worry. "Don't panic she's not gonna choke you. She sits around my neck all the time." I giggled as I felt her tongue flicker on my neck. "She always calms me down." Bullet stayed in one spot on my neck and Slash sat down next to me. "Sometimes she'll lay next to me and stay there if I fall asleep. I've only lost her once in the year I've had her. I found her in the bathtub. But I think she just really wanted a bath."

I snuggled back against Slash and bullet moved to his lap. She curled up into a ball and Slash pulled me close to him. The thunder cracked again but for once I didn't jump. I felt safe from it for once. He turned the TV up a bit and before I knew it I was calm enough to sleep.

~1328 words

I like this chapter. I think it turned out pretty cute.

Question of the chapter: What's your favorite reptile. Mine has to be snakes.

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