Chapter 15

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Derek's POV

My conversation with Danielle leaves me happy and hopeful. But I'm also cautious. Some of the people I've trusted most in my life have let me down and I'm scared that Danielle might do the same.

We finish up breakfast and I offer to do the dishes.

"You don't have to do everything around here," Danielle laughs. "Give me your plate."

I hand her my plate then sit back at the kitchen island and watch her as she loads up the dishwasher.

"What should I do around here?" I ask. I don't want her to think I'm dead weight she has to pull around.

"I don't really have any expectations," Danielle says.

"Yeah but I want to contribute. Like are there certain chores you hate? I can do those. And maybe I can help with cooking."

"You are a really good cook."

"Remember when you doubted me yesterday?"

Danielle laughs. "I do remember that. I'm sorry."

"You're forgiven," I joke. "How do you feel about me cooking during the week? Especially since you'll be the bakery most of the time. That way you don't have to worry about food when you come home."

Danielle nods slowly. "Well... I was kinda hoping you'd come with me to the bakery a few more days a week. If you want to of course. We could really use the extra hands with the end of the year coming up."

Of course I want to help out more at the bakery but one of the reasons I chose to work Sundays was because I wouldn't have to deal with any customers. I especially wouldn't have to deal with Lizzy or Anna.

"I... I don't know about that Danielle."

"Are you worried about Lizzy?" she asks.

"Her. And Anna. And the customers. I just don't think I would fit in well there."

"I honestly think you would do great Derek. You're such a hard worker and a fast learner. You would be so good for the shop."

I think about her words and I'm slightly tempted. I will say working even just one day a week has given me a sense of purpose I haven't had in awhile.

"Do you think I could do something in the back? Like continuing with the pantry and packing your online and phone orders?"

Danielle smiles. "Of course Derek. I think that's a great idea."

"Do you want me to come in every day?"

"Well, I do like the idea of you cooking us dinner during the week." Danielle puts the last dish in the dishwasher. "How about we meet halfway? You can come into the shop Friday through Sunday. We only have customers Friday and Saturday so that will leave Sunday to just us. No Lizzy. No Anna. And no customers. You can cook dinner Monday through Thursday and I'll do Friday through Sunday?"

I can't help but chuckle. "You've really thought this through, haven't you?"

Danielle turns away shyly. "Maybe."

She turns on the dishwasher then takes a seat next to me.

"And what about other chores?" I ask. "Like cleaning and laundry? I really want to be helpful."

"Derek, I've lived by myself and handled it since I was 18. You really don't have to do much."

She's not budging so I decide to take the initiative. "How about I clean and tidy up the house the days that I don't work? And then Friday through Sunday can be yours?"

"Where did I find a guy like you?"

"Behind a dumpster." I laugh.

Danielle's POV

I can't help but feel giddy inside as Derek suggests splitting household duties with me. While we might not officially be in a relationship, I can't help but think about the fact that no man I have ever been with has been so practical. I've always been expected to run my business and still come home and care for the two of us.

"What do you wanna do today?" I ask Derek, turning in my chair to face him.

"How do you feel about going to Goodwill?" he asks. "I could use a couple new things and I just got paid." Derek winks.

"I think we can do better than Goodwill," I say. I hop off the chair, excited. I absolutely love shopping. "What's your style?" I ask Derek.

"I don't think I have a style."

"Like what do you like to wear?" I say.

"Jeans and t-shirts I guess?"

"Okay," I say, thinking. "Let's start at J. Crew. We can get you some nice jeans and a couple nice shirts that you can wear to work. Next we can go to Old Navy for just some cozy loungewear and pajamas and then we'll finish up at Target where you can get some toiletries and stuff for the house. How does that sound?"

"I was kind of hoping to start small Danielle," Derek says quietly. "I really don't have much to spend."

"Derek." I walk up to him so we're face to face, me standing and him seated. "This is all my treat."

"I can't accept all that," Derek says.

"You can and you will," I smile then place my hands on his shoulders. "Plus it's going to be so much fun. I love shopping."

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