obi-wan kenobi | choosing you

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another obi-wan x reader, but this one is more dramatic. 

requested by madamepresident127; 2.2k+ words

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The night had just fallen and the city was just as loud as it was during the day. You wandered outside the streets outside of the high towers, concealed with the hood of your robe as you waited for Obi-Wan to meet you just beside the flourishing green garden that served as your barrier between the two of you and the plethora of unwanted eyes that lurked nearby.

You could hear him approaching before you could feel the touch of his fingers against the back of your hand. Hidden in the shadows of the trees, the two of you stood side by side, staring straight ahead, letting one another know that the coast was clear to speak.

"Anakin and Padme have married in secret," he said.

You'd figured as such. Senator Amidala had been staring dreamily off in space for the past month and Anakin was far more distracted than usual and always running off. "Hm? Is that supposed to shock me?"

"With how well they've hidden it... no," he said, laughing with you. You both had noticed the same things. As it grew quiet again, the two of you looked at each other and smiled. His hand closed around yours.

What you and Obi-Wan had was not unspoken. It was spoken again and again, in the empty corridors, in the bustling streets, through the gazes he gave you across the room during the meetings of the Jedi council. It was easy to keep your relationship secret. Not even Anakin was suspicious of it. Neither of you doubted your ability to keep this a secret, but that didn't change how you wished it wasn't.

"How do you feel about the Jedi Order?" you asked. "Truly. How loyal are you to it?"

"Less loyal than I should be, I suppose," he said with a chuckle. "It's safe to say I'm far more loyal to you."

"Yes," you said. "You are. But how willing are you to step away from it?"

A crinkle formed in the space between his eyebrows. "I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean."

You turned to face him completely. Letting go of his hand, you pushed the hood off your head, letting your hair fall around you, your face illuminating in the moonbeams that shone through the leaves. He opened his lips to protest your willingness to expose your face to anyone who happened to walk by, but you put your hands on his shoulders and calmed his worries with a hopeful smile.

"If I asked you to flee with me, would you do it?" Your eyes searched his, searching for the same desire that was within you. Desire for a family and a chance at a real life.

While the mutual feeling inside of him was pushed deep down, it did show in his eyes, like an ember glowing within a hearth. Years of pressure from the Jedi could not take it from him.

"All you need to do is say the word," he said. "And we'll go."

You did not say the word that night in the gardens. You did not say the word when you and Obi-Wan chose to elope only a few weeks later. You did not say the word when you started to feel extremely ill. In fact, it was your husband that said the word when you stopped in the middle of your shared room, hand on your stomach, realizing just why you might be sick.

As you raised your head to look at his wide eyes, you saw the range of emotions he was facing. Shock and pride and amazement and love. He crossed the room quickly to you and took your hands in his.

"We'll wait," he said. "Just to be sure."

"Obi, I cannot even go to the medics and be checked," you said. "If the council knows---"

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