𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝓢𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓷

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"Enjoy your detention boys?" Marlene called out from the girl's place on the sofa, Estelle turned around as Sirius and James walked through the portrait hole. Very unamused expressions on their faces.

"We had to dust the entirety of Filches office, and I swear to Merlin that is hasn't been cleaned in years!" Sirius said, flopping on to the couch beside Estelle.

James perched on the back of the sofa. "On the bright side, Sirius swiped a box of Stink Pellets, and I found a stack of exploding snap cards. Fancy a game, Evans?" James called out to Lily, who was reading at a table.

"Goodnight girls." she said, closing her book and heading upstairs. James just shrugged his shoulders, turning his gaze on Estelle.

"How about you Frenchie?" He asked, batting his eyelashes at her.

"How about this, if you or Sirius can come up with a better nickname for me in ten seconds... Then yes, I would love to play." She gave him a little smirk and then started to count.



"No wait! We can come up with something!" Sirius yelped, moving to a sitting position.



Marlene began to giggle, as the boys frantically began mumbling together to pick a new name for Estelle. The counting just increasing the overall panic.



"Steela! Like your name, and Veela mixed!" James called out, a grin on his face.

"Being half Veela isn't a personality trait James." Marlene said, rolling her eyes.



"3 and a half"


"How about Star." James said at last, Sirius had obviously given up at around count 6.

"Hmm.. Better than Frenchie.. It's worthy of a game of exploding snap." Estelle said, sliding off the sofa and on the floor in front of James.

The boys made a loud whooping sound together, Sirius taking a seat next to Estelle. Marlene groaned, joining them on the floor to play. The four of them played for around an hour, until Estelle let out a big yawn-signalling it was time for bed. They all went up the the dorms, parting ways at the staircases.

"Night Mar, Night Star!" James called out, disappearing up the stairs with a giggle.

"Goodnight Marlene, Stella." Sirius said, nodding to both the girls before following behind James.

As the two girls climbed up to the dorm, Estelle let out a little giggle.

"What?" Marlene asked, opening the door.

"I liked Frenchie much better, I just wanted to give Potter a win." She said in a hushed tone.

"You are weak Stella." Marlene said quietly giggling.


The first couple weeks of school flew by, and soon they were in mid October. With late fall, the weather began to get colder, that Saturday was especially cold. Estelle was sat at the Gryffindor table chattering her teeth, with Marlene, Lily and the boy's. They were about to go watch the first Quidditch match of the season where James, Marlene and Sirius all played for their house's team.

Estelle was wrapped in a Gryffindor Quidditch jumper she had stolen from Sirius that morning in the common room, and also had brought a cloak down with her. "Remy- C-cast The W-Warming charm. P-Pleaseee, you do it the best." Estelle shivered out, giving the boy a pleading look.

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