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No no no no no no he cats take her i just got her back...everytime i tried to get up he would hit me again. He grabbed Skylar and throuh her over his shoulder she was out cold i had to get to her i had to. He hit ne one last time and i couldnt get up. I looked up and saw tge boys run in and Andy grabs Skylar out of his arms and cc starts to hit him and beat him i crawl my way to Skylar. I shake her to get her to wake up but i have nothing i put my ear to her chest her hearts barly beating. I look at the guys her fathefs on the floor and not moving when Portia runs in.

"Guys stop hes done hes not fighting any more you have to stop" she says pulling them off

"Portia or someone call the cops and an ambulance hurry" i say as calmly as i can they do as said and with in minutes the ambulance comes and takes Skylar and the cops take her dad. I wasnt allowed to ride in the ambulance so i got in my car and was speeding all the way to the hospital

"Hello im looking for Skylar Ellis room please" i said in a hurry

"Ofcourse shes right through there to the left room 129" the nurse said. I ran into the room she was awake.

"Hey beautiful you feeling okay" i said coming go her bed

"Well i have 4 broken ribs a broken arm dislocated shoulder and a huge crack in my skull with a mild great haha how are you my love" her voice was weak but she still had a sense of humor.

"Im so sorry i promised he wouldnt hurt you but he did and its my fault i let him hurt you im so sorry" i said grabing her hand and kissing it.

"Oh babe its not your fault i should have warned you i knew he was coming....a couple weeks ago he called me telling me hes coming for me and everyone i love including you but i wasnt sure what to do....its my fault" she said quietly her breathing got fast and she was squeezing my hand i grabed her remote and pushed the nurse button. A bunch of people i didnt know came in and held her down to put somthing in her iv line. Her breathing regulated and she calmed down.

"Babe your tired sleep ill be here when you wake up"i said as she slowly fell asleep i kissed her lips and sat in the recliner next to her.

Its going to be a long night.


A/N hope you guys like ig sorry short chapter but hey Skylars not dead and her dads back in jail woop wooo

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