New Friends- EraserJoke

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(An AU where Aizawa has feelings for Miss Joke and focuses so much on her and leaves Mic alone half the time)

(Flashback to High School)

"Hey Aizawa!" Mic said as he sat down next to his dejected best friend. "Oh, Hey Mic..." he said as he just sighed. "What's wrong Sho?" "Well..."

"And my best friend has got a boyfriend"

"And I don't hear from her anymore
And my other best friend has got a girlfriend
And I don't hear from him anymore"

"Oh that sucks...I can be your friend!" Mic said excitedly as Midnight came up to them. "Why's he sad?" "His friends ditched him for their SO's" "Oh, that stinks... I've been through this type of thing before."

"Ooh, ah, we never get along
I think, I think Drake got it all wrong
Ooh, ah, I call you out again
I think, I think I need some new friends
New friends, new friends, yeah
I think, I think I need some new friends
New friends, new friends, yeah
I think, I think I need some new friends"

"Well we can all be friends!" Midnight said as Mic got up dragging Aizawa up along with him. "Sounds cool!!!" "Hizashi, Too loud..." "Sorry Sho..." he said apologizing before continuing his conversation, "How does that sound Sho?" "That sounds cool I guess..."

(End of flashback)


Midnight was running late to her meeting with Hizashi and Aizawa, "Sh*t I'm running late!!! Hurry up Emi!" Emi otherwise known as the pro hero Miss Joke came out of her house. "Hahaha! Lighten up Nemuri, We are on time." "Barely!!!" The sooner they got in the car the faster they arrived. Once they got into the cafe they spotted Mic and Aizawa. "Hey guys!" "You're late."

"Sorry EMI was deciding on what to wear to mee-" "Emi... as in Miss joke? Nice to see you again" Aizawa stated in amusement. "Yes that's me but please call me Emi." "Ok I will. Would you like to grab coffee after this?" Aizawa asked Joke as she blushed, "Sure can we go now because I have to Patrol after this." "Sounds cool! Thanks Nemuri! Bye!" He said leaving the cafe with Emi. "Why is he...Nevermind." 

With Aizawa

"So how have you been?" he asked. "I've been good Shota, you?" "I've been fine. I missed you." "Same, you've changed since I've first met you." They continued to walk past buildings as they drank their coffee. "Hey I've been meaning to ask you something..." He said rubbing the back of his neck. "Go on..." She said blushing a slight bit. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He said grabbing her hand. "Yes! I was waiting for this since we were in high school!" "Well, wait no longer." "Hahaha! You're so funny!" "You're so pretty! Hey, here's my phone number! Give me a call." Aizawa said handing her his number. "Okay, See you later babe!"


Hizashi came into Aizawa's empty classroom after school, "Hey Aizawa." "What Hizashi?" "Who are you texting?" Aizawa glared at him rudely, "My girlfriend." Hizashi froze then continued on, "I was wondering if tomorrow you'd like to-" "NO! I'm busy tomorrow. I have a date with my girlfriend." "Oh...okay sorry for bothering you." he said. "God you're so annoying! Leave me alone." "I'm sorry, I can be annoying..." He said leaving the classroom. He spotted Midnight so he went up to her. "Hey, Aizawa doesn't want to hang out so I was wondering-" "Sorry Hizashi... I have a date with Mt. Lady." "Oh...It's fine."

He tried everyday after that until they stopped talking to him and he eventually he gave up. So he started doing his own thing until months later he had his own concert. "Hey Aizawa, I got us a ticket to Present Mic's concert. Wanna come?" "Sure babe. Midnight are you coming?" "Yes I am." Mic overheard this and he was regretting this already. They forgot all about him by this point. "Why are you going if you don't care about me..." he mumbled. "Sir...We're in the middle of class. Are you okay?" Iida said to Mic as he sighed. "Yes, Just nervous my 'Friends' will come to my concert." "We'll come up with an idea to let them know they hurt you!" Mina said, "How'd you know that?" "You've changed, you're unusually quiet. You're normally loud." Bakugou said without yelling, "Those bastards deserve to know what they did to you."

The day of the concert-

He greeted the audience like normal then started singing.

"Now before we continue..." he began as the audience grew quiet. "This is for a few special people in the audience." Aizawa looked over at Joke, "What's he talking about?" Midnight who was sitting next to Aizawa spoke up. "I don't know..." she said before the music started. Class 1A who was sitting in front of them glared at the two then froze realizing what Mic told them. "They hurt him?!" Bakugou growled before Izuku calmed him down. "He's got this Kacchan. Besides the part is coming up." "Fine Nerd."

"And my best friend has got a boyfriend"

"And I don't hear from her anymore
And my other best friend has got a girlfriend
And I don't hear from him anymore"

Midnight and Aizawa froze, this couldn't be him could it? The friend they had hurt. Aizawa remembered what Mic had said when his friends forgot about him. Him and Midnight were doing what Aizawa's old friends did to him. 

"Ooh, ah, we never get along
I think, I think Drake got it all wrong
Ooh, ah, I call you out again
I think, I think I need some new friends
New friends, new friends, yeah
I think, I think I need some new friends
New friends, new friends, yeah
I think, I think I need some new friends

"No...I'm so sorry Hizashi." Aizawa said crying into Joke's shoulder. "Go ahead, Let it all out." When the song was over Class 1A and the 5 pros were all by themselves. "Such a shame..." Bakugou said to Aizawa. "What? How'd you-?"  "Mic sensei invited us since we helped him out!" Uraraka said cheerfully but upset.

Hizashi came up to all of them, "Hey thanks little listeners! I needed someone to listen to me." "Well yeah, I look up to you!" Denki said before leaving with the class. "Now you two have something to say to me. Don't you?" "Yes,Mic I'm sorry we ignored you..." Midnight started saying before  Aizawa cut her off. "I'm so sorry Mic. I...I didn't realize-" "NO! I Helped you get through both of this type of situations and this is how you pay me?!" "I'm sorry Mic..." "I think I need some space right now. I'm sorry..."

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