25. The subject: Lee Hyunjin

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(A/N: This chapter is specifically for those worried about Hyunjin, because knowing him he could very well die..... so this is a little lesson about Hyunjin to ease your worries. There's a lot of crap ahead so he definitely can't die now >.<)

Lee Hyunjin was limping through the thick grass that covered Ifvnars ground, he'd already tripped a number of times and earned himself a couple cuts and bruises thanks to his leg.

Minhee after his first fall wisely decided not to stay on top of his head and instead was tucked into his arms along with the other two. They'd all tacitly agreed to stop crying as if they didn't want to make Lee Hyunjin sad again but they were young after all and couldn't help whimpering every now and then.

Following the direction that Qin Yu had given him, Lee Hyunjin walked in the opposite direction of the patch of blue and yellow flowers. He'd been walking for quite a while and there was no village in sight. Qin Yu had never told him how long he'd have to walk but he assumed that he should just keep walking in one direction till he comes across a village.

Throughout their journey, Lee Hyunjin spoke to the three kids in his arms, he talked to them about what things they might be able to find if they went to a village. He did this to make sure they didn't feel too sad. He told them about the different foods, people and buildings they might see, every little detail he could think of, he told them.

Night fell and they had settled down to rest. Lee Hyunjin absorbed spirit from a large tree nearby. Because he was pulling the spirit from outside and into his own body he needed to focus. Directly eating a plant that contained spirit was faster but he needed a lot of spirit for what he was going to do so he took it from the largest tree nearby.

Unlike Qin Yu he had to wait a while after absorbing the spirit before he could draw it out and use it. Qin Yu told him that it was because the spirit he'd drawn needed time to settle in his body with all the other kinds of spirit he'd absorbed.

Lee Hyunjin's body was a bit different from others, after observing him for quite a while Qin Yu managed to understand a few things about it.

Returning to the theory that spirit is an energy that exists in everything, from plants to humans and even in the atmosphere. Some spirit can be absorbed by humans whilst some can't.

The spirit which absolutely fails to integrate  itself to humans spirit is called 'corrupted spirit' or corruption.

Animals unlike humans are able to absorb corrupted spirit but it would make them run wild and worse off turn into night creatures.

The main reason why humans cannot take in corrupted spirit at all or any other spirit easily is because of their innate and unique spirit that each human is born with.

Doesn't matter if they are summoned from another world, the spirit within a human is unique to the person and just like an immune system rejecting foreign substances or bacteria, the innate spirit rejects foreign spirit.

There are exceptions to this rule though, for example brothers of the same blood or at the very least of the same father/mother would be able to share spirit provided both are in absolute agreement. Friends would be able to share spirit if they had a strong bond between them enough so that they trust each other with their lives.

Spirit is in truth a very delicate thing that is easily affected by emotions. If one person tried to pass their internal spirit over to someone unwilling (depending on who's stronger) they could get seriously hurt to the point of their internal spirit structure being damaged.

There was no such thing as a 'spirit core' for humans in Arshnix. Their entire body was like the core itself and would generate spirit that would be constantly circulating within their body like blood. Though there is no core, there are certain points in the body where spirit is gathered in large amounts, like the brain, the gut, the spine— spirit is also directly connected to the nervous system as well.

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