what is this

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one day ladybug woke up in a dark room. Her boyfriend was across the room. "Hi bugaboo," he went over to ladybug. But, her boyfriend was secretly barry bee benson. So he was a bee. Ladybug, a human, was dating a bee. "Hello barry," uwuowo!! and then emil walked in, holding an uwu sword ahahahha- "Barry my love what are you doigng with this bitch-" she then went into grr mode, and started barking at ladybug 
"Uhh emil it's not what it looks like I'd never cheat on someone as hot as you even though you look like you sneezed too hard, died then came back to life" Barry went buzz buzz to show dominance. "Emily please leave, me and ladybug need to have a serious talk about uh grown up things" another buzz buzz but more aggressive buzz buzz- 
"Anything for you barry bee benson senpai uwu goodbye I will be back for you," before emily could leave ladbybug grabbed her and gthrew emily at the sun
"wow ladybug that was kinda hot haha *fuckboy face idk how because bee but* we should...kiss," bold bee buzz buzz
"I- barry it's too soon, we can't-" ladybug then turned away from barry "I'm sorry but we must take our own routes, this isn't working"
"But- what did I do??? Is it because i'm a- bee?????????????? I can be not bee watch me be not a bee but be a bee human be"   he then suddenly did this epic anime transformation and- shrek?? 
"..B-babe? You were shrek all along? Why..did you never tell me?" 
"I'm sorry. I just...couldn't tell you. But yes, it is I, shrek." he did an epic manly pose on a convenient chair that was in the room. "Ladybug, marry me" 
"I- of course ,yes" she took shrek's- barry bee benson's- hand-? and ran off to a nearby lake  "Shrek..Barry..I- I love you" mwah mwah uwu 
"buT- BARRY- how could you cheat on me!!!!!1!11!!!1" emil came back even though she got thrown into sun but immune protagonist powers "I thought you loved me!!!"
"...No," Shrek threw her into the lake and she was never seen again. Ladybug and Shrek and/or Barry bee benson got married and had 7 kids who were all part bird, the end

disclaimer - this is a joke, please

another disclaimer - this was made for my bitch of a friend @bakugous_wife22 love you  

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2021 ⏰

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