Chapter 58: Promises

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Warning: Again, long chapter. Sorry.

Alaiya's POV:

6 Months Later:

"So, since Alaiya doesn't drink, I got sparkling juice and a bunch of movies for us to cry to." Ivy walks over to us while holding up a bottle.

I would feel bad, but Bethane doesn't drink much either so at least I'm not the only one.

"I brought snacks," Iris brings over the large pile of bags with candy, chips, and anything else you could imagine.

"I love you more and more every day." Ivy holds her heart, and Iris wipes a fake tear as she brushes her off.

Roman and I's wedding is tomorrow and I'm so freaking excited! We didn't want to be engaged for super long so we decided to get everything ready in the span of six months.

I don't even feel nervous about it since everything has already been perfectly planned out. Plus, I'm marrying Roman which is something I'm up for any time of the week. What I feel nervous about though is the honeymoon which Roman has taken complete charge over. All I know so far is that we're going to Europe and that's it. I've also been told what he's going to do to me over there which does not make those nervous butterflies any smaller.

We haven't had sex for the past two weeks which basically means he's saving up for the honeymoon and I'm probably never going to be able to walk again. I think I may be more sex-deprived than he is since we'd gotten so used to doing it every chance we got.

It may be a problem.

The girls and I are staying at a hotel for the bachelorette party tonight, while also talking about anything and everything like we didn't just see each other almost twelve hours ago.

"Did you and Rider pick a date?" I ask Bethane as I take a chip into my mouth.

"We want a summer wedding," Bethane answers with an excited smile.

She and Rider got engaged two months ago when Rider took her to the beach and proposed. She was so excited that she was bouncing higher than Rider was which was surprising. It was also adorable how Rider came to Roman to ask for his blessing after he asked for Bethane's parents for theirs. His words went along the lines of "We're going to be related so you better fucking say yes."

To which Roman replied with, "That's why I want to say no."

I had to get involved when Rider called me over and told me to tell Roman to give him his dang blessing. After a couple of minutes, Rider got it and proposed that exact same day.

"I remember how tuff it was back in those engagement days," Ivy sighs like she's an old lady.

"You weren't even engaged," Skyler points out with a laugh, and Ivy uses her hand to rub off that minor detail.

Ivy and Eldon got married so technically, they're the first married couple out of the group. No one knew about this knowledge besides Ivy's mom since they got married in a courthouse privately. One day, they both just came over to us while we decided to have dinner all together, and out came the shocking news. All our jaws were dropped since we didn't even know they wanted to get married, but they said they had to do it for a private reason and wanted it too so we were happy for them. Roman of course threatened Eldon if he even thought of hurting Ivy, so I'm sure that won't happen.

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