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For about a week, and against my better judgment, I've been texting Hudson literally every day.  Part of me feels insane, but the other part is enjoying the fact that I'm talking to someone who knows nothing about me. Before now, everyone in my life knew so much about me, and all I wanted was a fresh start with someone new. It seems like the universe finally answered my pleas when it dropped Hudson into my lap.

Granted, he's annoying and sleazy and he never knows when to stop flirting, but that's what makes him entertaining. I haven't seen him since he made me those pancakes, but it's probably for the best. If Selene knew I was talking to him, I could kiss my life goodbye. She's been in an awful mood, stomping up and down the house because she hasn't seen Hudson. A wicked feeling runs through my veins everytime, but I always feel bad afterward. Maybe she really does like him, but I don't know.

My phone's ringtone goes off, which is odd cause I never really get many calls outside of Dad and Lucas, and I've already talked to them today. I almost spit out the water I'm drinking when I read the caller ID. I shouldn't be so surprised.

His voice is loud and clear, just as if he were standing right beside me. "Hello?"

"Uh, hey," I didn't intend for my voice to come out as barely a whisper, but I can't help it. Something about this makes me nervous, but I don't understand why.

"Are you busy today?" he asks.

I mean, I was planning on taking a long bath and contemplating how I got to this point in my life, but I guess that can be done any other day of the week. "No, not really. Why, what's up?"

"Do you, maybe, possibly, want to hang out with me today?"

This situation just gets more and more improbable the longer it goes on. The likelihood of Selene wringing my neck also goes up. Thank God, she's at work right now. Otherwise, I could be six feet under by dinner if she heard any of this.

"I don't know," I pace around the living room as I talk. "Are you sure?"

He laughs. "I wouldn't have asked if I didn't mean it."

This is a bad idea. A really bad, awful and immensely dangerous idea. But for once, I want to be able to hang out with a nice guy— scratch that, a guy— without having to worry about Selene breathing down my neck.

"You know what? Sure. What did you have in mind?"

"Well, you know Myrtle Beach like the back of your hand. I was hoping you'd be up to show me some of your favorite places in the city," he says.

"Are you just saying that because you haven't got anything in mind?" I ask.

He didn't speak for a few moments. "Mayhaps."

I laugh out loud, long and hard. "Oh my God! You didn't think I'd say yes, did you?"

"If I'm being completely honest, I expected you to hang up on me as soon as I said hello." His voice is so nice when I can hear the amusement in it. No cockiness, no flirting, no asshole behavior. Just Hudson finding the humor in his own actions. I like him when he's like this. When he feels human.

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