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James looked like he was a five year old at Honeydukes while Aries and Lily walked back to their own area.

They had just thanked James and the rest of the boys for the kind gesture and decided next time they went to Hogsmeade they all would go as a group.

"That wasn't so bad now was it?" Aries ask with a knowing look as Lily rolled her eyes.

"I don't think I've ever seen him so excited before." Alice giggled.

"Bloody Salazar, he looked like a lost puppy until you smiled at him." Mindy teased.

"Alright, alright, enough about Potter. What have you all been doing lately?" Lily asked.

Though Aries could tell, from the way Lily didn't say James name like it was a disease anymore to the way she still had a faint of a smile on her lips, Lily was going to fall hard soon enough for him.


"C'mon, I know you still do it." Honey pried as they walked to Herbology.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Honey." Aries rolled her eyes.

Oh really...

Aries smirked.

"Stop reading my mind!" Honey whisper shouted.

"Your thoughts are amusing the way, there is such a thing as snot rockets in the wizarding world." Aries chuckled hearing Honey scoff.

"Stop changing the subject, you're a rubbish liar by the way." Honey crossed her arms.

"Okay, but if you really want to know about the snot rockets thing, go to the Prewett twins. And I'm not a rubbish liar!" Aries said holding her hand to her heart in dramatics.

"I can tell you still design." Honey stopped walking and grabbed Aries hand.

"You even have ink smears on your hand." Aries pulled her arm away and sighed before yanking her friend into an empty classroom.

"Wha- Aries!" Honey yelped as the raven haired girl locked the door and placed a silencing charm.

"Please don't tell me you locked me in here to murder me." Honey said sarcastically as she got up and sat on one of the desks.

"Look, this'll take a bit of time to explain." Aries sighed as she put her book bag down.

"Time? As in ditching Herbology? I'm all ears." Honey said as she leaned back on her hands.

"Alright, well, let's start with the day I first came to Hogwarts." Aries started. "My parents droned on and on about getting into Slytherin and it was in our blood. I got separated from Sirius when he was picked into Gryffindor."

"When my parents found out, they told Sirius he was no better than all those supposed blood traitors. I kept away from Sirius when my parents told me they would punish me if I didn't." Aries explained.

"That's why Sirius's friends didn't really know you. As siblings anyway." Honey nodded.

"At first I didn't believe it...I would talk to Sirius in the corridors, during class, even sit at the Gryffindor table sometimes during meals just to talk to him...when break came along I got a wicked beating, never spoke to him at Hogwarts since." Aries admitted.

"And what you were saying about him leaving you?" Honey asked delicately.

"Sirius was blasted off the family tree about a year ago and my parents disowned him. He left to Potters house through my bedroom window so Mum and dad wouldn't find out until later when they looked for him."

"Since then, they've had an extra careful eye on me and Regulus, Slytherins are always listening or watching, and if I step out of line even once, my parents get an owl." Aries sighed as she rubbed her temples, "hanging out with Alice and Lily are the only exceptions. Even then I'll still get a consequence or two."

"That's why we're in here and not out there. And why you don't want to talk about your art designs." Honey summarized in thought before abruptly hopping off the desk.

"Why don't you just leave too?" Honey asked.

"I can't leave Regulus with them." Aries shrugged, the countless times she had almost left but stayed because of him were swarming in her head.

"Bring him with?" Honey suggested.

"They'll come looking, do anything to get their most prized children back into that household." Aries sighed.

"Wow...I'm sorry, I know this sounds so insensitive but...that's just sad. I kinda get it though, more in the opposite way I guess." Honey admitted.

"I mean, my mom wants me to be proper and all that stupid stuff, I want to make music! See the world! Travel! Have fun!" Honey said as she threw her hands out to the side and started zooming around the empty classroom.

"She said if I messed up here, she'd kick me out." Honey shrugged. "I guess she secretly wishes I would so she could." She said as her and Aries backed into a wall at the same time and sighed before leaning against it and falling to the ground.

"Parents suck." Aries said making Honey uncontrollably laugh, after a moment Aries did as well.

If anyone else were watching they'd think those two were lunatics. And sure, sometimes they were, or sometimes they just acted ridiculous and stupid.

Honey sighed as the two got out their final laughs and dazed off into the classroom like drunk teenagers.

"For what it's worth, if anything at all, I think you should leave. Staying there isn't doing you any favors, and Regulus would want you to be safe. He wouldn't want to be the reason you stayed and lived a suppressing life for him."

The raven haired girl looked away in response, she knew if she left she would feel responsible for everything that happened to him after she left.

With a shake of her head and a sigh, "We should probably go to class, Care of Magical Creatures is next for me." Aries said as Honey took out her time tables.

"That sucks, I think I have transfiguration. It's kind of annoying how I still haven't remembered my schedule yet." Honey huffed.

"C'mon, you lazy arse. We have another ten minutes until next class, I think we can manage that without getting caught by Filch, yeah?" Aries asked as she got to her feet and held her hand out for her friend.

"I'm not lazy, but avoiding Filch does sound fun. After last times incident anyway." Honey giggled as she took her friends hand and got up as well.

"How would you like to assist me with a little...prank?" Aries asked.

"How about yeah!" Honey exclaimed making her friend smirk.

"Let's go have some fun." Aries grinned as Honey unlocked the door and removed the silencing spell.

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