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xxiii. Sofia

For several months

I haven’t heard from you

Just tell me the real reason

Why you have had to go

I’ll try hard to understand

Why you left just like that

Don’t think I’d believe the lie

That you never loved me back

I don’t want to lose you

You know I won’t give up

The last thing I want is to hate you

But that is what’s going to be left

When my tears finally dry up

And you explained not yourself

I was never the person

Who runs after a guy

But you’re more valuable

Than my own big pride

Come back now

Just one final goodbye

To end this love story

If it could be called one

Or we can continue

If only you’d take my hand

Man, I’m trying to hold on

To this hope I keep in my heart

As long as I can!

But please, rush back

Knock on my door

Which, for you, I’d gladly open

Give me a call

I know you memorize my number

Honey, I’ll be waiting

Please, don’t take too long

Don’t let someone else

Knock before you do

Or at least, before my heart

Decides to finally move on.

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