Chapter 11 Out of Body

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Shade casted down on the E.O.D. helmet that once belonged to Agent Connecticut. . . Standing before it. . . was Ruby. She gazed at the lost helmet, unmoving and silent throughout. Beta appeared, flickering before becoming magenta. . .

Zeta: Hey. . . Are you okay. . .?

Ruby: . . . . . . Yeah. I'll be okay. . .

After taking a deep breath, she turned away from the helmet and returned to her friends. . . .

*Many Years Earlier - Project Freelancer*

Agent Texas knocked on the door to her friend's quarters. After receiving no answer, she knocked again.

Texas: *sighs*

Nothing. . .

Texas: Ruby, it's me. . . Allison. Are ya in there? I wanted to see how you were doing.

Again, silence. Another sigh left Texas's mouth before she rest her head on the door, the pressure making it slide open. . .

Texas: Oh. . .

Once she stepped inside, she closed the door behind her. She took off her helmet and let her blonde hair flow out of the armor piece and revealing her emerald eyes. Ruby wasn't even in the room. The pieces of her armor were on the ground next to her armor stand. Her bed was undone, the pillow stained a dark gray with tears. Shattered glass covered her desk, a broken picture frame face down on its base. A broken gaming system the black-armored freelancer couldn't recognize laid broken on the ground, alongside a piece of ripped paper. Crouching down, Allison lifted the torn paper and flipped it. It was a piece of picture, the whole thing being scribbled over with ink. Looking to the shattered picture frame on the desk, she lifted it. . . It was a picture of Jason. . . soaked in tears. She heard the door open, putting the picture frame down and turning to see the girl she was looking for.

Hawaii: What the hell are you doing?

For a few moments, Allison didn't say anything. She simply observed Hawaii, the girl in nothing but her black undersuit and holding what looked like dog tags, but Texas wasn't sure.

Texas: I was looking for you.

Hawaii: Cool, you found me, now leave.

Texas: Ruby, come on-

Hawaii: I said leave, Allison.

Texas: You haven't left your room in days, I'm trying to see if you're okay-

Hawaii: Do I look like I'm okay? I said leave, so shut the hell up and listen.

She stepped aside as Texas sighed, complying with her friend's demand.

Texas: Ruby, you know I'm here for you, right?

Hawaii: *shakes her head* . . . I can't do this right now. . . Allison. . .

Allison nodded leaving with the door closing behind her. . . She sighed. She was already too late. . . Ruby was gone.

*Present Day, 2553*

Tucker, Simmons, and Grif were gathered in front of Carolina's Mongoose.

Tucker: So, Uh. . . how do you feel?

The lights of the vehicle lit up as the engine revved.

Epsilon: I feel like running over each and every one of you.

Tucker: So pretty much the same as before?

Epsilon: Yeah, pretty much.

Grif: You know Simmons, I think I'm gonna let you call shotgun on this one.

Red Vs Blue, & there's Magenta: Season TenWhere stories live. Discover now