Chapter 13 - Episode 5: Frayed - part 2

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(Third POV)


Lydia and Aiden are making out in coaches office. She sits down on the desk and wraps her legs around his waist. He places his hands on her waist, making her halter the kissing. "What do you think you're doing?" she then asks, making Aiden look at her confused.

"What do you mean?" Aiden asks confused, making Lydia scoff. "I mean your hands." She says, making Aiden frown even harder. "They're on your waist..." he says confused, making Lydia scoff again. "I know! What am I, a nun?" she asks. "Put them somewhere useful." She says flirtatiously, making Aiden place them under her but and pick her up. "Is that better?" Aiden asks her, making her smirk at him. "Moderately." She says, shrugging her shoulders.

End Flashback


(Your POV) inside bus

I look over at Isaac and Boyd again, listening into their conversation. "There's a jack-knifed tractor a few miles ahead... Could miss the meet..." Isaac says, looking next to him at Boyd. He suddenly stops talking, making me frown at the two. "Boyd? Boyd? What... What...?" I hear Isaac say. I look at Boyd and my eyes widen when I see his claws scratching the seat in front of him.

I slowly stand up from my seat, and feel Stiles suddenly grabbing my arm and pulling me back down. "Y/n? Where are you going?" he asks me concerned, making me motion to Isaac and Boyd. "Boyd-- he's gonna do something." I say, looking over at Scott who is still leaning against the window in pain. "Okay, what? How do you know?" Stiles asks, making me look at him. "Look at his hands." I say, looking back at the claws that are puncturing the seat in front of him.


(Third POV) Elevator


Scott makes his claws appear, which makes Deucalion slightly chuckle. "Come on, Scott-- put those away. I'd have to be blind, deaf, and a quadriplegic for you to be an actual threat." He says, making Scott frown at him. "...Or maybe you should take a chance? Your heartbeat's steady. You might be afraid of me, but you're controlling it. Maybe you'd actually rise to the occasion? Become an Alpha by killing one?" he asks again, making Scott retract his claws and shake his head at him.

"I'm not like you. I don't have to kill people." Scott says, making Deucalion scoff again. "Hmm... Not yet... But situations come about... situations where you realize the only way to protect one person is to kill another." Deucalion says, making Scott frown at him.

"You wanna threaten me? Is that why you're here?" Scott asks, making Deucalion shake his head and shrug his shoulders. "I live here. It's a great building... and the neighbors are surprisingly friendly..." Deucalion says with a smirk. "What do you want?" Scott firmly asks, making Deucalion look his way. "I want to see what you and Y/n are made of." He says, before the elevator doors open and people get in.

Scott slowly walks out of the elevator, not taking his eyes off Deucalion. When everyone has gotten inside, Deucalion smiles. "Could someone hit the button for penthouse?" he asks fake kindly, making a stranger push the button for him.

End Flashback


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