Shit Stuck Fuck Help

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After everything was said and done in the nether, you came home with almost four stacks of gold.

Plenty for your gift, and maaaybe a little extra for Tommy. Maybe.

You lugged your backpack down the steps, heavy with what you plundered, before slamming all of it in the furnace and taking a seat to wait for it.

Tommy stuck around for a bit, chattering about this and that, before getting bored of doing nothing and taking off to look for Tubbo.

So it was just you, your gold, and the idea you had for a gift.

Golden apples.

How original of a gift.

Regardless it was what you were going through with.

You had yourself seated atop the furnace, cross legged and hunching to put your chin on you hand.

You liked how warm it was, so waiting up there just seemed the optimal place.

Honestly you could see why Tommy got bored of it so easily, you did have a lot, and it was going to take awhile.

Long enough for Tommy to come trudging right back down the steps and huffing about how boring both Tubbo and you are.

With a chuckle and a new thought in his head he turned to you and wildly motioned his hands, "I want something interesting to happen- you know- like an invasion of cows or a hoard of women."

He paused, glancing at you, "You don't count-"

You just gave him a blank look and kept sitting atop the furnace.

Another bout of silence passed and you pried your blank look off of Tommy and back into the stone hallway that is the ravine.

You could feel Tommy look at you, his voice starting out small with a cheeky, "What's the worst word you know....?"


He gave you a horrified gasp- and proceeded to go off on a rant about the afformented stone. So many words- so many words about such a trivial topic.

That paired with the heat from the furnace-... you could nearly fall asleep.

"Hey!" Tommy sternly said, snapping a finger in front of your face, causing your eyes to snap back open, "Did you hear me?" You didn't even realize you had started to nod off.

"Uuh- no." You say, sitting back up straight and confusedly looking at Tommy.

"I said choose a different word then cobblestone."

You rolled your eyes, "Jail."

He rubbed his chin and hummed, "Hmmm- not exactly a curse, but I'll take it-"

You chuckled at the kid before deciding it was about time to check your gold- the furnace had cooled off a bit, so now was as good a time as any.

Sliding off the furnace, you took a peak inside to find that your gold was indeed done. Which meant all the rest of your gold was done.

Heaving an empty bag over from inside the chest next to the furnace, you gathered up all the gold you had, which made a very very heavy bag all things considered.

It all clacked together in the fabric, gold shimmer being hidden when you pulled the edges of the bag taut.

"How'd you figure gold was a good gift for Techno?" Tommy asked, eyeing your bag before waving a hand up and saying, "Not that it isn't a good gift- the dude fookin' loves the stuff."

"He said anything to make gaps would be useful- so I figured that was what I'd do." You followed Tommy's eyes, glancing between the bag before making eyecontact again, "Speaking of which... do we have an absurd amount of apples somewhere?"

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