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    "Wow." Jaguar said, after looking in the direction Derrick was pointing, and seeing a woman wearing a large cowboy hat. She was beautif- well I guess the word sexy better covers it. She was busty, yet curvy, an elegant work of art, and she was passed out drunk, next to a mountain of bottles. "She's... she's on her third liver transplant, she's always drunk as a Swordsman by noon of every day. She's been like this ever since Patty died" Derrick said.

Jaguar walked up to the "Queen" and reached out to her, nudging her shoulder. As soon as he touched her, Jaguar felt the entirety of his magic drained from his body, he didn't even have time to react. He recoiled away from her, and slowly but surely felt his magic return to his body. So this is the power of a clan leader... Terrifying. Jaguar thought "Yeah don't do that, she's not really in control of her ability when she's asleep." Derrick explained.

The night went on and Bimala was starting to warm up to Den a Jaguar, even though she was initially sent to kill them. Willam thought the opposite. He didn't forgive Den and Jaguar for almost letting him and Bimala die of thirst. He was slowly gaining their trust, and was planning to strike when they least expected it. The next day everyone made their way back to the barn, resting there for awhile Smogs dad came along as well.

Den Got up, walking towards Smog "Ive heard that you can any information you want for the right price, around here" Den said. "Thats right, but ill tell you what you want to know for free, since I put you and your friends Through so much trouble. What do you want to know, partner?" Smog asked. "Well, awhile back I was in a fight, Using my aura, after awhile I got really angry, and all of my flesh melted off, and I got extremely powerful."

"What you did is whats called a burnout. You over used your aura, which is only possible because you used so much raw emotion, You're probable true only person on earth who has survived the experience. Doing this will give you a significant power boost, but leave you extremely vulnerable, however with your healing, that shouldn't be an issue." Smog said

"Thanks for the information, but I'm not sure I could do it again, even if I wanted to." Den said, satisfied. He saturated to walk away. "Wait!" Smog called to him. "Yeah?" Den asked. " I want to train you, and your friends in the basics of aura." Smog stated. "But I'm the only one that can use it." Den told Smog. That doesn't they can't learn its other forms." Smog replied

"Other forms?" Den asked. "Yeah Did you really think that violence is the only think that you can use your aura for? There's three types of aura, one of them is combat aura, which is a type I'm certain you have used before" Smog answered. "What about the other two?" Den asked "Ill tell you later, gather your group, and meet me outside in five minutes." Smog replied, with a smile .

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