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With a sigh directed towards the day to come, (Y/N) stepped out into the streets. Right out of the building that housed his moderately sized apartment block. Another cloudy day, as expected.

He made his way down the street, people were up and about in the early morning. Some just hung around, smoking a cigarette. (Y/N) baited his breath every time he walked past someone smoking, he had once smoked during his time in the Mafia. But after he left, he was able to somewhat withdraw from the harmful habit.

As he turned a corner, down the street he spotted some caution tape as well as a small crowd and a GPPD Cruiser.

(Y/N): "What happened here?"

A police officer saw (Y/N) and approached him.

Policeman: "Mr. (L/N). Crime scene."

(Y/N): "Oh, hey Roy. The hell happened here."

(Y/N) recognized the officer, who in turn nodded at him.

Roy: "Right now, we can't exactly say. One thing I do know, is this. The Big Man brought us in to cover this up."

He quietly said. The Big Man was what the cops used when referring to Lupun Fenrir. Who had some officers under his payroll. It seemed as if Roy was one himself. In the past, Roy was an associate of the Mafia. Covering up investigations whenever (Y/N) would deal with someone the mob didn't like. The two saw each other as acquaintances, little more than two people who would bump into one another from time to time.

(Y/N): "The Big Man eh? So that means that this guy was one of those bloodsuckers."

He suggested. The cop shrugged.

Roy: "I never told you."

(Y/N) just scoffed, before continuing on his way to the Casino. Nothing much had happened along the way but the crime scene encounter. Mostly everyone in Gothic Prime kept to themselves.

Along the way, (Y/N) stopped at a convenience store. He pushed open the door, ringing the little bell on the doorframe.

(Y/N): "Horatio. You here buddy?"

(Y/N) called, while grabbing a pack of gum from the display case. As well as a one hundred dollar bill from his pocket. As that was the only type of bill that he had. He heard footsteps exiting the backroom, greeted by a familiar face.

Horatio: "Ah, Senor (L/N)! It is a new day, today."

He smirked, speaking in a thick Spanish accent. (Y/N) chuckled.

(Y/N): "You bet. Here, keep the change. I have plenty more where that came from."

He said, slapping down the one hundred dollar bill on Horatio's countertop. He seemed content to have been overpaid for a simple product such as some chewing gum. Laughing delightfully as he snatched up (Y/N)'s money and placed it into his cash register.

Horatio: "Muchas gracias mi amigo! Have a nice day."

(Y/N) nodded towards him, exiting his store as quickly as he went in. Popping out a piece of gum from the case to pop into his mouth. Storing the rest in his pockets for later.

Sometimes, (Y/N) would think to himself about getting back into the life he once had. It had offered him an exhilarating experience from his normal life, an experience that was no longer with him anymore.

Eventually, (Y/N) was able to arrive at Moonlight. The biggest and most popular casino in Gothic Prime. Owned directly by Vlad Luca. The head of The House of Luca. He approached a security guard, showing his I.D.

Blood and Bullets: Hitman Male Reader [Original Story]Where stories live. Discover now