chapter 8

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It was the middle of the night when I woke up to rustling. I looked around from my small futon to see 5 brothers with me, looking scared. "Wh-" I was interrupted by Karamatsu covering my mouth, putting a finger to his as a shh sign.

Todomatsu was covering his mouth as he held back his whimpers. Jyushimatsu was comforting totty, staying unusually quiet. Ichimatsu was in the the middle of the room, hugging his knees. Karamatsu was with me, silently begging that I kept quiet. And Osomatsu stayed near the door, head bleeding a black ooze.

I looked at Karamatsu for answering but I only got a hard stare and a shake of his head, as if he couldnt tell me right now.

I looked around for the familiar green clad brother but didnt see him. I immediately started to panic as I slowly crawled torwards each brother to see if they were alright.

Once i knew they were fine, I put my head on the ground, listening. I heard someone walking, tapping and clicking noises, along with growls and grunts.

I went to get up but stumbled over my futon slightly. I stayed perfectly still along with all the brothers as we heard the noises stop. Then tumbling up the stairs. Just as I was about to warn Osomatsu the door next to him bursts open, to reveal the missing brother. Choromatsu had six lengthy arms, about 6 feet long each. He had a skinny body, his legs were tucked in, letting the arms do the work. He had 6 eyes, stareing directly at me.

Drool escaped his mouth, fangs showing. He slowly inched torwards me as I held my breath. Choromatsu gotten closer to me, starting to prod at me. He he then started to stand up, being taller then before, barely fitting in the room. Two arms grabbed my shoulders, another two grabbed my waist. His eyes darted around, trying to detect movement.

I was pretty scared, as this wasnt the Choromatsu I knew. Once he seemed the room empty he dashed out of the room, skidding across the room heading torwards the living room. When we entered the living room he laid me down on a giant web. He tilted his head slightly as he went out the room, searching the kitchen again. I moved slightly, trying to get up but he poked his head in, hissing at me so I stayed on the web, waiting.

He soon came back a different body, setting beside me. Choromatsu sat there, watching. I looked over to see my ex wrapped up in web and looked terrified. He looked at me and started to squirm and scream, though it was muffled. Choromatsu immidietly scrunch his face up and hissed threatening and when he didnt stop he grabbed my exs feet and slammed him against the floor until he stopped, laying him beside me again.

"C-choromatsu" I called out, to which he immediately went to my side and tilted his head. "What's going on" I asked slowly as i sat up, surprised that the web wasn't sticky, though I was pushed down right when I got up, choromatsu sitting on top as all six arms wrapped around me, snuggling into my chest.

Now that I look at him, someparts of his body had fur, or fluff. Like his forearms, cheeks, chest, and calves. I looked him in the eyes, his fluff proofing up as he made a purring noise.

I started to feel hot as he kept the puring up, I felt like I was supposed to be a blushing mess. Suddenly it all clicked once I figured out what he reminded me of. He was a spider, he was trying to court me with food earlier, now hes do his 'dance' as humans call it. Now I was a blushing mess, knowing he was trying to court me.

(This chapters short, next chapter there will be smut in the beginning but not the whole thing. There will be a bold text at the end of the smut, if you couldnt tell, hes in heat and cant control it)

Osomatsu-San x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now