13• The Milky Lake 🏞🥛

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Once when The King Akbar
Was very happy about something,
He said, "People respect me,
Birbal, what do you think?"

"Yes Jahapannah, they respect you
But also are they afraid,"
"How can you say that Birbal,
Do you know, what you just said?"

"Yes My Lord! I know that
People also fear you,
Akbar said, "Prove it then,
I'll see what you can do."

Birbal went and emptied
The royal lake that day,
And announced that, "King Akbar
Want everyone to pray...."

"...We need to pray for his long life
And to show our respect he said,
To put a pot of milk in the
The empty royal lake." He requested.

At night the people came
To submit a pot of milk there,
But in the morning the King found
Water flooding everywhere.

People thought that the water
Will disappear in the lake,
But it seemed they had the same plan
Which made the King shake.

Akbar was astonished but
He was not ready to accept,
So he made the same announcement
But a twist this time he kept.

He said, " This time King Akbar
I will have a look at it,
So now you will need to be sure
People grew careful a bit

The next morning milk filled
The gigantic royal lake,
And now the king Akbar
Had no excuses to make.

So he admitted the fact that
Birbal previously told,
And distributed the milk again
In every household.

So that's how 'The Clever Birbal'
Proved himself the smartest of all,
And with his great skills, he won
The hearts of the crowd in the hall.


Poet's Note

Hey reader,
I am also very scared of those readers who leave my poem without voting.

Vote my ballad if it deserves that and give me your feedback in the comments below.


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