27• The Son In Laws🤴🗡

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Once when The King Akbar
Was very disappointed because
He wasn't able to meet his daughter
No matter how desperate he was.

His son-in-law never allow her
To visit her father someday,
So Akbar's anger was especially
In all the sons-in-law that betray.

That betrays their wives desire
And the desire of their in-laws,
So he decided to execute
The root of this problem's cause.

He ordered Birbal in anger
And Birbal couldn't disobey,
"Execute all the son-in-laws
And do exactly as I say."

So Birbal used his wits
To protect the sons-in-law,
But he still prepared the things
To part their heads and claws.

When Akbar came to execute
All the sons-in-law who gathered,
He saw a golden and a silver stage
It was surely very weird.

Akbar inquired about it to Birbal
"These are made for whom?"
"Oh! That one is your Jahanpannah.
And this one is mine." He bloomed.

Akbar's thoughts were scattering
But the next second they made a line,
"I am also a son-in-law,
And this golden stage is mine?"

The crowd went back to their homes
No son-in-law sacrificed,
Akbar couldn't die. So did Birbal.
Thank Birbal he opened Akbar's eyes.

So that's how 'The Clever Birbal'
Proved himself the smartest of all,
And with his great skills, he won
The hearts of the crowd in the hall.


Hey Readers,

Birbal just came out of a grave or he would have died.

What would have happened to Akbar if he didn't have birbal by his side.🤦‍♀️

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