Kiss me you fool!

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Izzy's POV

"Table for 2"Dylan says

"Right this way"the waiter says

We trail behind him and he takes our order.

"This is a beautiful restaurant"I say

I glance out the window and see a beach.(a/n:just pretend Louisiana has beaches okay?okay.)

"Wow"I say

"Yeah the beach is pretty incredible"

"We should check it out after this!"


The waiter brings our food out and we eat quick. I lean back in my chair.

"Wow,that was good!"

"I know right!my parents used to take us out to eat here every Thursday night!"


We get up and Dylan pays for the meal. We head towards the beach.

"We should swim!"dyl says

"Wait,we don't have any swim clothes!"

"There is a shop down there that we can buy some!"he says pointing towards a small shack


We run to the shop and I pick out galaxy printed swimsuit. Dylan pays for mine and his and I go change. Once I walk out Dylan is sitting and waiting.

"Wow"he says eyeing me up and down.

"Oh hush"

I grab my stuff and we walk out to the beach. We set our stuff down by some beach chairs and I spray myself with sunblock.

"Ready?"he says

I nod and he grabs my hand and intertwines his fingers with mine.we start walking towards the water when all of a sudden he grabs me by the waist and throws me over his shoulder.




"You're too slow!"

He throws me in the water and I surface back up.

"Oh,its on"

I run to him and dunk him under. He grabs my ankles and pulls me under. I struggle to get back up but I manage to. I loom around and Dylan is nowhere to be seen. All of a sudden I'm on his shoulders and he throws me under. I come back up.


He laughs and grabs me by the waist. He lays his forehead on mine. He smiles.

"I love you. Even though we've only been dating for 16 hours,I love you. Even though we've only known each other for 4 days,I love you!"he says

"I love you too dyl!"

We just stare into each others eyes for what feels like a lifetime. Finally I say

"Kiss me you fool!"

He smashes his lips against mine. I kiss back. I run my fingers through his hair. He pulls me up on him and I wrap my legs around his waist. He kisses me harder and I kiss back. His tongue asks for entrance and I accept.

I try to pull away but he keeps me going. Finally he stops. As he pulls his head back he smirks. I bite my lip and look away.

"What's wrong?"he says


He sets me down and we walk back to shore. We sit down in our beach chairs and stare at the water. Dylan grabs my hand and I lean over and rest my head on his shoulder. Suddenly I'm asleep.

So idk if this was long enough but hey!at least I got some done!sorry for it being Izzy's POV the whole time but yeah... who's ready for the next chapter? ~dezzi

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