𝑅𝑖𝑠𝑘𝑦 ☦︎︎ Speed O Sound Sonic x Reader

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Here's another! I'm getting them out I really am trying so if you request please be patient it's all I ask and I promise to have it.

This is a female reader and a lime so the mature content!

Requested by TheNightVisions

Anime is One punch man streaming on Netflix and more!


To simply put it out there you had no friends. That is no friends that you really enjoyed to have a around and that were quite close to you like the ones in the past.

They were too focused on some things while you just third wheeled when they wanted to have dates or talk about when they were small.

Your life was very different from all of them that you had to keep it inside. There was only one person you could share it with and that was your friend Speed o sound Sonic.

But he was gone now, and you didn't know what he would do. You heard from certain areas that he caused trouble and stole a bit from people.

Then again he was also a very mysterious person so there was no telling what he would do and become, you really missed him as a best friend.

And you wondered if you would ever get to reconnect one day and if he would even remember you being a silent type at first.

All you wanted was a good friendship.

"Walking on the grass is so fun." You whispered to yourself holding your backpack in the modern world.

School had just ended and it was already the time for your friends to just include you in the friend group and not actually pay attention to you.

"Yeah do you have the math homework answers? Also the English vocabulary." One of the girls said talking to other other one in which she pushed up her glasses.

The girl with glasses hummed and twisted her blond hair. "No I haven't finished a lot, I wasn't really paying attention much to the lesson either." She stated and they both sighed.

One of them turned towards you, followed by the other head.

You didn't need to look up from your phone to know. I miss these messages, I miss him. You thought, on that phone you had been scrolling through the old messages from years ago with Speed O Sound Sonic.

You had the longest conversations and each one of them didn't bore you at all. When did I put a heart here?! You panicked for something he might have already forgot.

"Y/n!" Your friends smiled with a sing song chirp while asking. You sighed and tapped away on your phone.

"What is it?" You asked trying to hide your Semi annoyed voice.

They laughed together and pulled your arm closer. "Did you do the English for Ms. Watren? We have different periods but she said she assigned it to everyone." The one with glasses pushed her hair behind her ear with a cute smile.

At that brave word your other friend, a red head spoke up next adding on. "Oh and the math thing with proportions, we have a test tomorrow and I'm not sure I don't understand the topic." She said with a sigh, freckles a bliss.

You were dead serious looking at them like if their ears were clogged with snow that never melted. "You know there's always tutoring. My period just has one page of a book to read and a math story. Totally not the same." You made up a lie, hating to help them.

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