Chapter 29 - A Goldfish

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"So you all are Siblings," Scott asked, his mouth filled with Chinese noodles. Tony rolled his eyes at the sight and sighed, pushing his sunglasses higher.

"Not all of us. Those are our cousins," Erik explained, pointing his chopsticks at Fenris and Magnus, who raised their hands.

Scott slowly nodded. "Ah, alright. I understand. And the person missing is..."

"...our sister, Katta." Arne impatiently tapped his fingers against the table. Since Katta had gotten captured, he'd completely lost his appetite. All he could feel in his stomach was an uneasy sensation.

"Hm, I understand. And you two are like the Avengers-couple...?" Scott motioned between Natasha and Erik, interest peeking in his eyes.

"Could we concentrate on the time-travel problem, Mister Lang?" Steve asked. Scott whipped his head around to Steve and quickly put down the food.

"Oh, sure, Captain A-America, Mister Rogers. Steve Rogers," Scott rambled. He clapped his hands and went over to the small living room table, spreading papers over the wooden surface.

"Steve is fine," Steve mumbled, motioning for Scott to proceed.

"That looks like a transporter. Why does your time-travel machine look like a transporter, Lang?" Tony asked after a brief look at the blueprints.

Scott opened his mouth and shrugged. "Seemed cool." He looked at Tony, who stared back at him. "Just kidding. This basically is no time machine. It is more the opportunity to shrink until you reach the quantum–"

"Come to the point where we can travel in time, man of small insects," Thor demanded. Scott flinched and glanced at Thor.

"What he tries to say," Clint interrupted, "is that we are not really interested in the technical lecture. We only want to use this machine. So, what is possible, Scott?"

Scott cleared his throat and nodded, rummaging into the papers until he found the one he was looking for. "Technically, it is possible to travel through time." Tony raised his eyebrow, exchanging a look with Natasha.

"I feel like there's a 'but'," she murmured. Scott nodded.

"Nobody has ever tried it before. There might be a mere risk we couldn't fix so far." Scott silenced and looked at the group of people who looked at him attentively.

"And?" Natasha asked.

"And what?" Scott glanced at her.

"The risk. Godamm Lang. If I didn't know better, I would say you're a goldfish - regarding your attention span," Tony hissed, getting nudged by Steve, who sent him an angered look.

"Right, the risk. Practically, you can only travel back in time. We didn't figure out how to return yet," Scott mumbled, rummaging in his papers.

"Wait. That does mean that we can travel back and get Katta. But once we have her, we can't return?" Arne asked, his voice getting a bit higher.

"Exactly. That is what I was trying to say," Scott answered, kneading his hands.

"Dritt," Erik cursed, looking over to Fenris, who frowned. "That means, when we travel to the wrong time, there is no coming back."

"That sums it up perfectly. Unless you have this magical stone thing, of course," Scott said, looking between the people. "And there is only enough energy to send five people."

"Only five," Magnus exclaimed, looking over to Fenris. "Sure thing then. Magnus, Erik, Arne, Olaf and I go," he stated, receiving nods.

"No way," Bucky intervened. Magnus looked at him and pressed his lips together.

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