Chapter 54- Heart Interrogation

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(Between you and me, I didn't post today, got it? Shhhh 🤫)

Deku's POV
"Are you crazy!?" Kacchan yells at me.

"Hey keep your voice down, would ya?" The boy tells him, and he sighs. "Here, my name is Zayyan. I'm sorry about earlier. But hey! You already got me back for that right?" He looks at Kacchan, who's glaring at him.

"As far as I'm concerned, we're even. So now, I have something you need, all you have to do, is work with me to get out of a rough situation for both of us." He opens his arms invitingly. "I don't think you could have asked for a better win-win!" I step out from behind Kacchan, peering at one of my attackers. He didn't actually hurt me, though he did try to get me to bite him.

"Z-zayyan?" He smiles at me. I inspect him carefully. His silver blue hair stuck up unnaturally in all directions, reminding me of my own hair, though his looked a lot more silky. He had dark eyes. Really dark. Almost entirely black, except for a subtle blue ring around his pupils.

I know he's not a good guy. I don't know what he was trying to do, but it wasn't good. And he almost hurt Kacchan. I can't forget that. But... I'm not getting any necessarily bad intentions from him. I don't think he's a bad person.

"You won't... tell them about me?" I ask.

"No way! You think I want to die?" He laughs to himself, both me and Kacchan staring at him, not getting the joke. "So is that a yes then?"

"Deku, you can't be serious." I step in front of Kacchan, holding his hands in mine.

"Kacchan, I don't think he's a bad guy."

"He literally tried to kill me." He says blankly.

"You don't know that..."

"Deku, you're too trusting. Who knows what kind of mind games this fucker is playing."

"I'm right here guys..." Zayyan's words go unheard.

"This might be our only chance at figuring out what's wrong with me! What's the worst that could happen?" He stays quiet.

"Fine." He leans around me to be square with Zayyan. "But if you're fucking with us, I will break you fucking skull." He really needs to work on his hero talk... I really believed that.

"I don't doubt it! That's one hell of an arm you have." Zayyan, shakes his head shifting the ice pack up more.

"You go in first." Kacchan instructs, pulling me close to him, so Zayyan can get to the door behind us, without getting too close to me.

"Sure thing." He says, doing as he was told. We follow not too closely behind, walking into the room where the lady sat at a large gray desk, three chair stationed infront of it.

This feels like Principal Nezu's office...

"Have a seat." We do, myself at the far end with Kacchan in the middle and Zayyan at the other end.

"Alright, so eyewitnesses have stated that you sir were 'running around' and 'yelling like a mad man' looking for 'Deku.' Is that accurate?" She talks to Kacchan first.

"... more or less." He says.

"And you must be Deku?" She asks me.

"Umm it's Midoriya actually... but yes." She types something on her computer.

"Great. When did you two get separated?"

"Just a few minutes before. I went to look at All Might stuff, and Kacchan sat down." I answer. All of this is fine as long as we tell the truth, but how are we going to do that? We can't tell her everything. I don't really know what kind of strategy Zayyan has in mind, but Kacchan's smart enough to figure a way out on his own. I'll just follow along I guess.

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