forty nine: verus

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verus: real, genuine, true

verus: real, genuine, true

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DRACO had never felt terror like this before.

Even when he'd found out she'd been captured, even when he'd been inches away from death at Voldemort's feet, even when his mother had told him she knew about his betrayal.

Nothing compared to the overwhelming wave of pure, raw panic that swept over him as soon as Koa had begun to drag Elara back, her eyes as terrified as he felt.

It took every single fucking ounce of his self-control not to move, not to lunge after her. With the Nex hovering so close, just a few feet away, he'd die before he made it one step towards her—and he needed to survive if he wanted to get her out.

He could've easily escaped. Could've easily taken those two steps out of the cave and plunged into the river below. They wouldn't have been able to follow him and he'd be free.

But he hadn't even considered that option. Hadn't even entertained it for a second. He'd known as soon as Corwin had ordered him that he would do whatever he said if it meant Elara remained unharmed.

But now she was shut behind a door with Koa and a Nex.

Corwin's fist connected with Draco's jaw again and pain exploded under his skin, blood trickling from his lip. He only spat it out, managing to land it on the leg of Corwin's trousers.

"How naive of you." Another punch and Draco keeled over onto the floor, bracing himself on his palms, tasting blood. "To think I would let her go. I must say, revenge feels sweet."

"Revenge?" Draco laughed, cold and low, raising his gaze. "Do tell because I'm dying to know. What did a ten year old boy ever do to you that warranted for revenge?"

Corwin sneered, his blade jabbing under Draco's chin. "Your father took everything away from me. First Narcissa—and then my job. I was kicked out of the Ministry because of him—"

"You raped my mother. Did you expect him to let you frolick about the place?" Draco spat some more blood out. "You're lucky he couldn't legally kill you without evidence. Getting you sacked and exiled from the country was a blessing you didn't deserve. You deserve death." His grin was bloodied. "And I'll be happy to deliver it."

Corwin's eyes flashed. "Save me your empty threats. We both know there's no way of escape for you." He jerked his head towards the small door behind them. "Nor for her. I'm sure Koa's enjoying his time in there, don't you think? Probably fucking her brains out as we speak—"

Draco lunged and the Nex growled from nearby, the rattling sound filling the cavern. He halted in his tracks, his mind racing to try and figure out how to get out of this.

Elara was in there. She was in there and she was helpless—just like he was. She'd be forced to stay still as she was—

He needed to get to her. He needed to get to her now.

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