Chapter Twenty Seven

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Warnings: Angst and Smut. Plus, some family dramaaaa💅🏻

Tom had picked me up this morning. Since Chris was probably hung over at Seb's house.

"Hey Tom."

"Good morning love? Ready for a day full of filming?"

I nodded and closed the door to his car. We drove over to the set and I walked into my dressing room.

I slipped on the suit for today's scenes and went over my lines some where. Today I'd be filming with RDJ. The legend himself.

I texted Chris to make sure he woke up alright. I didn't see his car in the parking lot.

Y/n: Hey baby. Where are you?

He didn't respond back. I sighed and threw my phone to the side. I just hoped nothing happened last night. I was so scared of being hurt like that again.

A knock on my door pulled me out of my thinking.

"Hey Y/n? Chris sent me for you. He's in the dressing room."

A young man that was a part of the film crew spoke.

"Thanks I'll go over there now."

I got up and made my way towards Chris's dressing room which was down the hall. I knocked before opening. The shades were drawn which made the room very dim. Chris laying on a sofa with his hat over his eyes.

"Chris?" I spoke normally.

"Sh doll. Lower your voice."

"Mm, I wasn't yelling." I replied and walked over to him.

He took his hat away from his eyes and scanned me up and down.

"Is this heaven? Because you look like an angel."

I giggled at his pick up line. He opened his arms and I fell into them. Snuggling into the crook of his neck.

"I missed you yesterday handsome."

"Me too. It seems if I'm not with you, I always get drunk."

"Mhm. And you get yourself into trouble."

I drew circles around his chest. He said nothing to my reference. I really wanted to ask him what happened yesterday but a part of me didn't want to know.

"Who brought you here babe?"

He finally spoke and I answered. Which resulted in a low scoff from his mouth.

"Is there something wrong?" I sat up.

Chris said nothing and pulled the hat over his face again. Avoiding the pending argument.

"Christopher. Answer me."

"Nope. Nothing is wrong." His words cold and petty.

"All he did was give me a ride here Chris! At least I didn't get drunk with my friends and did god knows what!"

I raised my voice just a bit. My trust issues finally making an appearance.

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