Chapter 23- Pain and Death

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I groan and slowly open my eyes. I find myself chained to a wall. My wrists are burning an there is dried blood on them from hanging. I look at my surroundings. I'm in a room with other chains on the wall. Old blood splatters are everywhere. I breath in through my nose and smell mildew and cold. I shiver a little and look at what I'm wearing. A long white t-shirt, thats stained and tattered with blood.

"Look who's up?'' asks a voice in the darkly lit room. I look around and growl.

"Somebody is cranky'' says another voice. In the other direction

"I think we should just kill her again.'' says the third voice

"Agreed'' a forth voice says

''I get to do it this time'' says a fifth and and they step out of the shadows and I've already seen them all. That day in the clearing. One of them has a bloody knife. He walks towards me and plunges it into my stomach. I tip my head back and groan. I feel the life slipping through me. He rips it out and stabs me again. I gasp for air and try to hold on as I see black spots. The pain is like... well.... being stabbed over and over again.

''Leo will get you'' I grunt trying to stay alive and they cackle

''Leo's dead sweetheart.'' The second one says and i know it isn't true. Or else i wouldn't be living now

''She's dead'' I gasp panting for breath

''Who?'' They cackle

''Clara. Clara is dead. Your Alpha is dead. Dead. She killed herself'' I say and he stabs me harder and faster. The world dips out and I drift into the darkness again. I look at myself hanging on the wall. Like someone would hang a bad picture

"Trey, stop she's dead" says the middle one

"How does she come back?" asks one of the 5. Before I could hear anything else I was shoved upward and I found myself in the church

"Now what?" asks a sobbing Mary

"Now we track them down and rip their hearts out" growls Logan and Leo is just sitting there shaking. His eye's a pitch black and a growl rumbles through him.

"They killed Mia and took Ryan" growls Leo. I look at Dave. And he looks dead. His eyes have dark circles under them and I whimper feeling sorry for him. Oh poor Dave.

''They killed her'' gulps Dave and my heart breaks for him

''I'm sorry, man'' says Charlie and he holds Izzy closer. Everyone's holds their mates but Leo and Dave.

"God...Ryan" moans Leo head in his hands

"At least she's still alive" whispers Dave

"Not in 24 hours if I dont get to her" says Leo. I gasp as they begin to dip out and i'm back on the wall. Hanging all alone.

"Crap!" I yell out to the darkness. I feel pressure on the back of my neck and suddenly there's a girl on the wall, screaming beside me. She looks about my age. With long blonde hair. Blood covers her body black mascara runs down her face. She struggles against the chains and blood pours out of her wrist. Her dress was once white is now dripping red. Her feet are bare her legs look cold.

"Hello" I say looking at the ghost of a girl who suffered through what i'm going through

"Hello" She sobs

"I'm Ryan" I say trying to be calm

"I'm Sydney" she cries and lets another scream rip through her body. Her sobs shake her tiny frame

"Hey, it's okay" I say and she shakes her head

"No...No.... they killed it... they killed my baby'" She says and i gasp looking down at my stomach that once held life. Tears pool in my eyes. It could be okay I pray, but I know that there isn't a small child growing inside of my anymore. Tears start dripping out of my eyes.

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