Chapter 1

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Rosena groaned when she felt the sting pain from her waist to her legs.

She just moved a little, but the pain spread all over the place.

She opened her eyes when she felt the touch of a feisty blanket on her very sensitive skin.

Rosena, who quickly removed the blanket as soon as she opened her eyes, froze.

She was naked.

Rosena rose from her bed, groaned and held her back.

A numb sensation came up the spine.

Rosena barely sat in the bed, staring at the wall with a blank face for a moment.

When she gradually came to her senses, she looked around.

This room, full of strange things, was the cabin where Rosena stayed.

"Oh my God."

She can't believe it wasn't a dream.

Rosena who was sitting still slowly looked away and looked at the space next to her.

It was well organized as if nothing had happened, but the warmth that had not cooled down told her that a person had just been lying down.

Rosena wrapped her hands around her face. Then she remembered vividly what happened last night.

His hands, as cold as ice, burned with flames as soon as they touched Rosena's body.

It was no exaggeration to say that the big palm swallowed Rosena.

He politely but persistently indulged Rosena in pleasure and pampered her in every nook and cranny, leaving nothing behind.

The skin that had been touched by the burning breath was still overflowed as if it had still remained.

The last thing she remembered were brilliant blond hair and swaying blue eyes.

The eyes filled with heat made her stomach flutter just by looking at them.

Rosena grabbed her stomach. She still felt like the heat hadn't gone out.

"Even so, I can't believe I slept with him!"

Rosena sighed deeply and lifted herself completely from her bed.

A thin blanket slid to the floor and smooth skin was exposed in the air.

Rosena looked down at her bed again. Seeing the empty place next to her made her feel a little bitter.

Well, it was better than having an awkward morning.

Before she knew it, Rosena began to dress with a calm face.

"All I know is only your name ····."

Rosena knew very little about the man who spent his last night together with her.

Maybe it's only natural because they met for the first time yesterday.

Rosena paused after wearing pants and shirt. Even though she was already done, there was one more piece of clothing left.

Shewas going to take a look at what kind of clothes they were, and something fell on the floor.


It was a badge carried around to prove the family's identity.

Rosena also always carried a card with the Count's sentence on it.

Suddenly curious about his family, Rosena looked at the sentences in more detail.

A crown with two intersecting knives and flame decorating it.

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