I- I think I have a crush on someone...

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Rowan Pov:
"What is a guy like you doing with a girl like... her?"
"What do you mean, Missy." Lucas (Peyton) asked.
"You know what I mean, Lucas."
I (Riley) made my best sad eyes look.
He looked at me.
"You know Missy," Lucas started "Riley is the bet thing that's ever happened to me. So if you think that you can bad talk her, you've got another thing coming."
She rose her eyebrows, shook her head, and sashayed away.
I turned to him,
"Thank you."
And we hugged.

For some reason I felt a little bit if sparks when we hugged. I don't get it. It's never been this way before. He has kissed me before, well Riley and Lucas have. And I mean I felt a little bit of sparks, but who doesn't? It was my first kiss, and even though it was fake, it was like it was real.
Well, I think I'm developing a crush, and I'm not happy about it.
I have to tell someone.

Sabrina Pov:
Rowan is pulling me into her dressing room. Geez that kid is strong. She's panting like crazy.
"Row what's wrong?"
"I- I think I have a crush on someone..."
"Oh my gosh Row! This is huge!"
I jump on her bed and sit crossed leg.
"Yeahhh but here's the thing... he's about, ehhh I don't know, three years older than me. Give or take a few."
I practically fall off the couch.
I jump on top of of her and she's starts to giggle.
"But how'd you know?"
I just stared at her.
"I know."
She smiled.
"But..." she started, "I have bad news..."
"I had a... pretty bad Rowan moment with him."
Oh No.
"Scale of one to ten."
She paused,
"I didn't mean to!"
"Okay, breathe. What happened."
She told me her story about 'Robert the Fly,' and I stared at her straight faced the whole time.
"And that's the story," She finished.
I couldn't keep it in anymore. The laughter bursted out of my mouth. I couldn't stop! There were tears, actual tears.
"Sabrinaaaa!" She whined. "This is serious!"
"I'm sorry Rowan but you asked for it telling me a story like that." I said in between laughs.
Then she started laughing with me and in a matter of of seconds we were both of the ground in a puddle of our own tears laughing our heads off.

When we settled down, I got an idea.
"Come to my house for a sleepover tonight ok?"
"Uh, okay."
"And..." I searched for a blind fold. "Put this on your eyes."
"Um, why."
"Just do it."
"Okay!" She squealed

Rowan Pov:
Sabrina was guiding me somewhere. I was actually having fun. It was like a trust game.
We stopped somewhere and I heard Sabrina knock on a door. Then she quickly pulled the blind fold off of me and smiled, satisfied. I looked at the name on the door:


My face got hot and and my eyes got really wide.
"I am never playing the trust game with you again." I whispered.
"Just clam down," She whispered back. "You're never going to-Hey Peyton, wassup!"
"Hey Sabrina." He said. Then he turned to me.
"Hey Row, how's Robert?"
Sab quickly looked at me.
I stared at him hard.
"He's doing great. Thanks for asking."
I said sarcastically.
He smirked at me.
I returned the smirk.
Sabrina looked back and forth between us.
"Any way," she started. "I was wondering if you wanted to com over to my house for a sleep over. Rowan, Sarah, me, Bradley, and Peyton C. will all be there."

My heart started pounding really hard. Really Sabrina? Really?
"I would love to, thanks."
Then he looked at me. Did he noticed my red face, pounding heart, and wide eyes?
"I mean, if that's ok with you Row."
I cleared my throat.
"Yeah!" Shoot, that was quick. "I mean sure. Uh- Well whatever you want buddy!"
The thumbs up was coming but Sabrina kept it down.
He just laughed.
"I'll see you guys tonight."
And with that he shut the door.
I blew out a puff of air and sab just looked at me.
Authors Note:
Sorry it's really long lol.

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