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Izuku was fighting with all of his strength and intellect. It was draining and tough especially with all the bluffing he had to pull.

Though he had no idea where Overhaul was, he could get some help from his fellow league members. That was if they actually showed up.

Where the hell is Shigaraki?

Shigaraki was supposed to come help, but he is still nowhere to be seen. This was kinda pissing Izuku off.

He guessed that Shigaraki must have been late or something if he didn't get the memo that the Hassakai found out about their plan. Izuku did tell Todoroki to go with Eri. He wondered if that was the smartest choice he made.

He knew he needed some extra backup

Suddenly a Nomu went in for an attack to the neck.

"Dammit I could use his help here!"

Izuku bent down with the pole and pivoted around, knocking Nomus off their balance before delivering final blows with his fire.

It was surprising how many of the Nomus went down in one attack. Chisaki must have underestimated their power before he messed with them. This made Izuku slightly smirk as he knocked multiple down with a single attack as if they were bowling pins.

"Stupid Chisaki, ruining all the Nomu. What a jacked up dumbass."

"THERE HE IS! STOP HIM!" shouted an unfamiliar voice, probably a Yakuza.

He turned to face the direction of the voices and rolled his eyes. These Yakuza were wearing the traditional plague mask but with more rational cloaks apparently so they didn't trip over themselves like the last bunch.

"Oh good lord. Your really testing my limits today aren't you?" sneered Izuku, shooting a large blast of fire around the crowd of struggling Yakuza, blocking their exit.

"We won't let you ruin Chisaki's plan!" shouted one of the trapped men.

"Oh yeah? And what is that plan of his?" Izuku was getting quite impatient. And Shigaraki still hasn't shown up. "You already ruined our Nomu and clogged up the black market, what next? Are you gonna sell your rigged plague masks? Nobody takes you seriously. Everyone's impression of the Hassakai is that your a bunch of antisocial D-Rank thugs."

"We'll never tell on the word of the Hassakai!" shouted another, seemingly a little irritated by Izuku's trash-talking."

Izuku simply smirked.

"Who said it was your choice? Either you tell me the truth or I'll kill you now."

Izuku brought the flames in closer.

"Are you not going to fight back? Are you really that useless? What does Chisaki do for you that makes you so loyal to him? Do you know where he is by the way?"



All four Yakuza jumped up and activated their quirks.

Long blue light beams shot through the smoky air, striking Izuku's chest leaving three burn marks on his waistcoat, also cutting his skin underneath.

"My master payed 20,000 yen for this!" growled Izuku, dusting off his waistcoat, before dodging the second attack of the light beams with an aerial flip.

He grabbed the light beam Yakuza's neck as another quirk, which looked like chains, wrapped around his ankle.

Akufu, the name of the Yakuza's,
punched Izuku's burn wound and took hold of his shirt in his free hand with anger filled eyes.

Revenge (V-DEKU AU)Where stories live. Discover now