Episode 15, Front base attack.

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Ghidorah: This is where it ends Gojira. You die today. This base well be destroy and I'll be taking Noah with me!

Gojira: *growling*

Ghidorah saw Gojira was shielding Noah in her left hand.

In response Ghidorah forcibly open Gojira hand and sees an unconscious Noah. And was about to take him.

Ghidorah: Your coming with me my love.

Ghidorah was about to take Noah with her. Yet Gojira use her tail and whip Ghidorah in her stomach. Forcing her to get off her and send her skidding away.

Ghidorah: Hmnp. Not going down easy I see.

Gojira got back up.

Gojira: *growls* Your not taking him.

Ghidorah: Oh? It seems I'm not the only one that has caught feelings.

Gojira(mind): Can't put Noah somewhere safe. She'll come and get him. Fleeing could be a good idea.....

Gojira looks behind her and notices the people in the Shatterdome.

Gojira(mind): Fuck...... No choice.

Gojira hid Noah between her breast.

Gojira(mind): That's the softest spot where I can put you for now. Lucky you.

Ghidorah: So what's is gonna be?

Gojira stood in a fighting stance.

Ghidorah: That's your choice than?

Gojira: Hmnp.

Ghidorah: Why protect those humans? You owe them nothing and they haven't done anything for you.

Gojira: I'm not doing it for them. I'm doing it because Noah cares about them. That's why I'm doing it. I don't want Noah broken heart.

Ghidorah: How lovely. But your outnumber and outpower. It's ten vs one.

Gojira: Not the first time the odd have been against me. And it won't be the last.

Gojira(mind): I have to push her back and be in the look out for the other Kaijus.

Ghidorah: I'll give you a choice. Give Noah to me. And me and my Kaijus well leave. What do you say?

Gojira: Like I'm gonna believe that.

Ghidorah: Smart girl. Not even I believe my own lies. This means you took the hard way.

Gojira: Grrrrr!!

Ghidorah: Fine. Have it your way.



Ghidorah was going for tail whip, but Gojira reacted faster, dodge the attack and gave Ghidorah a right hook to her face. She then uppercuts Ghidorah and roundhouse kick Ghidorah in the face and gave her a final blue atomic punch to her face.

 She then uppercuts Ghidorah and roundhouse kick Ghidorah in the face and gave her a final blue atomic punch to her face

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