Chapter 58: "Affliction"

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The night of hanging out went smoothly, especially as you and your friends chatted alongside dessert. There were a lot of things you learned about the boys that you didn't already know. Such as how Papyrus and Undyne used to work together, and how Sans is actually quite the fighting machine.

He even demonstrated some of his simpler attacks. It's always fascinating to see what monsters can do in terms of magic.

But, that's beside the point. Quite predictably, the boys stayed late and since Maia's leaving soon, they opted to just stay the night.

In fact, Papyrus had already gotten their night bags. So, once everyone was done in the bathroom and changed into their pajamas, you all wished each other goodnight and separated into your normal places.

And as Papyrus shut your bedroom door, you couldn't help but relax.

The nights that you get to cuddle with this man are the best. Though, perhaps they're a bit too frequent. Oh well! Fuck tradition, he's snuggly.

So, you crawl into your bed happily, pulling the sheets over your legs as you start to settle down.

You looked over to him as he walked toward your bed sluggishly. He's definitely very tired. So, you hope he can get some good rest tonight.

"You look exhausted."

"heh, i am bone tired." He winked, then shifted his weight onto one hip as he stretched.

His t-shirt and shorts lightly hung off his lanky frame as he let out a big yawn.

"Looks like it. Come get some sleep, you bonehead."

"yes ma'am." He rasped in response, then chuckled as he climbed in bed slowly.

And that's when you got an idea.

"Hey, you stay there for a second." You climbed out of your bed, then ran to his side and took his wrists.

He lifted a 'bone'brow, cocking his skull to the side.

"sure, why though?"

You laughed as you watched a faint orange tint appear on his cheekbones.

"I need you to cover your eyes for me. Just until I say you can uncover them. I have a surprise for you."

"a surprise, ey? then alright. anything for you, vertebabe~"

You moved his hands to cover his eye sockets and let out a giggle.

"I won't be long. Now, no peeking!"

He chuckled, "alright, alright. i won't, you have my word."

"Good! Now, I'll be right back." You smiled, then walked away from the bed and quietly headed to the other side of the room.

You gingerly opened your wardrobe as quietly as you could and slid out his orange hoodie. You can't help but wonder how he'll react to you wearing it this time around.

After shutting it back, you turned around to see him still covering his eyes. This caused you to smile again as you gently slid the soft, oversized hoodie over your head.

And since this is a pretty mediocre surprise by itself, you pulled out a hidden jar of honey you'd bought Papyrus the other night.

It's something from a local farm. Just some raw honey packed in a jar with a chunk of honeycomb engulfed inside of it. Just the normal stuff for the local section at the grocery store. And the best part is that the cheap label on the front is written in the font 'Papyrus'. You're not sure if he'll even notice the humor in that, but it's still funny as an inside joke.

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