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"lydia, that's your drawing!"

it was quite hard for aurora to explain how they ended up in the guidance counsellor's office. heather's best friend was staring at the group wildly as stiles went through the files in the draws and handed lydia hers. one minute, aurora was finally relaxing at the thought of stiles being okay. the next, they were back to a whole new level of panic.

aurora looked down at the piece of paper that stiles was pointing at, a rough sketch of a big tree. she hummed, "freehand. n-nice."

"i know, it's a tree."

"yeah, it's good too." spoke heather's best friend.

"thank you!"

"no, but, that's the same one, though." the raven haired boy lurched forwards the picture in lydia's file. the redhead rolled her eyes.

"same as what?"

"it's the one we always see you drawing in class."

aurora nodded. "it's true, f-first we thought it was a christmas tree and that you w-were just really excited for christmas." dainty hands pushed her blonde locks away from her face, fanning it off.

"it's a tree." lydia deadpanned, eyes scanning between the two. "i like drawing trees."

"no, but it the exact same one. don't you see?" the boy in the grey shirt moved forwards, veiny hands shuffling though the paperwork in front of them. the group of four peered down at all the drawings and pages filled with words. "gimme your bag." stiles didn't wait for permission before grabbing at the girl's red bag, pulling out endless sheets of paper and a thick notebook. it was a wonder lydia didn't have scoliosis from carrying them all around. the erratic boy flicked through multiple pages before setting the notebook down, aligning it next to the drawing on the desk. they were practically identical. "there, see?"

a shudder ran through aurora's core.

one dainty hand gripped onto stiles' bicep as he began to flick through the pages, eyes widening at the amount of drawn trees.

"okay, you can have my session." the girl that had been in the room before them nodded to herself before walking away, wanting nothing to do with their nonsense. aurora wondered what they all must have looked like from an outside view. crazy, no doubt. "you've got bigger issues."

lydia gasped out as stiles continued to flick through the lined pages. "what is this?" aurora frowned, how were they to know? lydia was the one doing all the drawings. stiles didn't answer, for his actions suddenly stilled. a furrow contorted his face as his hands began to move again, turning the picture upside down. it changed everything.

"i know where they are." they were out of the office before aurora could blink. "it's the nemeton. baby, hurry up." rory whined at the command, little legs working twice as hard to keep in line with her lover and friend. "that's where they are, it has to be."

GHOST OF YOU ♡ stiles stilinski ¹ (d. kink) Where stories live. Discover now