
373 15 9

Tw: language

Blaze POV

You've probably gotten by now that I hold major grudges. Maybe I fake forgiveness, but I just find it hard to accept the fact that someone pissed you off and pretend like it never happened.

Still, a small part of me wanted to forgive Dream. Why? God, I don't even know! He took me here, he stole me away...

But yet, I still want to forgive him?


After that very eventful Christmas, I slept for hours into the morning. A deep dreamless slumber, nothing really went on in my head. In the morning I took a quick shower and dressed in some comfortable clothes. I tied my hair in a loose bun and grabbed my sketchbook, going down to the Lounge to draw. No one was down there this morning. They must've just stuffed themselves into a deep sleep yesterday.

I began to draw a picture of Dream and I sitting on the roof next to each other, holding hands. God if anyone gets their hands on this sketch, I'll burn their mouth off so they can't say a word about it to anyone. Sapnap came down after a while, reading a book. Moby Dick, ha.

"I've never taken you to be much of a reader." I started a conversation with him, surprisingly. He glanced up, then back down.

"No, this book sucks ass. Last night I had a dream about a whale though, maybe it's a sign." He chuckled at his own joke. I smirked. "Didn't see you at the Christmas party." I glanced up at the tree and decorations.

"Yeah, I was busy."

"Dream doesn't like Christmas either, not since his sister died." My head shot up.


"If he asks, I didn't say anything." I stared into his brown eyes. He smirked at me. Then I looked back down, drawing on the paper again in silence.

After about an hour of absolute silence, none other than Dream came in. I gave him a glare, then went back to drawing as if he wasn't there. Sapnap pushed himself up and silently walked out of the room, which surprised me. Stop... please don't leave us!

"Hey." Dream's deep voice bellowed. I set down the pen to look at him.

"Hey," I said plainly. A long pause.

"I'm really, really sorry about how that went down yesterday. I shouldn't have snapped on you like that." My eyebrows went up. I hadn't expected him to apologize so quickly.

"That's alright." I said, pushing the sketchbook behind me. "I'm sorry too, I..."

"No, you shouldn't be sorry."

My eyebrows furrowed. "What?"

"You shouldn't be sorry. You were right, it is my fault that you're here. It's my fault Tommy almost died." I rubbed my sweaty palms together nervously, biting my lip. "Meet me outside for a walk at 10."

"Last time you said to meet you somewhere we fought on top of a roof." I said plainly, giving him a look.

"I... just meet me there, okay?" He spoke quietly. I hesitated.


Sure, fine. Life couldn't get any worse, could it? I mean, fuck me, right? Whatever, it's fine. Nothing matters anymore?

That's what I wanted to say, but I didn't. Instead I made my way upstairs, grabbed my coat, and went outside to meet Dream. He stood waiting for me, stupid mask blending in with the white snow. I raised my eyebrows slightly.

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