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She stands on the rooftop, golden hair flying around her face as she looks down at her people. 

"My time has come."

They immediately understand what she is implying. Shock ripples through the crowd. Some gasp, some weep, some are completely emotionless. 

Commotion rises, unease takes over. What will happen once she's gone?

As if she can read their minds, she answers: "This isn't the end. My legacy will carry on. That much I have seen."

Everyone relaxes, but only slightly. 

"When I'm gone, you must all remain together, if not as a solar system, then as individual planets. It will be hard, but you must try."

For a moment, she freezes, pure fear radiating from her face when she hears the voice in the distance. She has less time than she thought she had.

Wordlessly, she crouches down and whispers a blessing, cupping her hands and blowing. 

Stardust spills from the tips of her fingers as she stands. The tiny specks float around the air, confusing the people below. 

But she knows. She knows that they won't be confused for long. The future has already been determined. They have already been chosen. They won't know it, but they will be the greatest of their time. They will finish the job she was unable to finish -- they will be able to keep the Universe united forever. 

"The Moon Maiden calls for me," she whispers to no one in particular, hearing the voice grow clearer and clearer. "It really is my time to go."

She calls out to her people. "Stay strong, please. For me, for yourselves, your loved ones, and the other beings of this Universe you all share. Never give up. You will all be One again someday."

She closes her eyes, a content smile spreading across her face. "Goodbye, my people."

Before anyone can register what's happening, she explodes into a hurricane of stardust. The people gasp, shocked that the end came so soon. But before anyone can say anything else, her scattered stardust-remains begin to twist and knit themselves into words. 

Words that the people of this Universe will hold dear to their hearts, words that they will tell to their children, words that will be passed down from generation to generation, always believing, always hoping, that someday, they'd come true. 

Because these words -- they are the future and destiny of this universe. 


"The Two with the blood of the Esero will unite

and conquer the Universe. 

The Universe will be One once again. 

They will be Unity,

and they will bring Peace."


Chapter 1 will be posted some time in early June! 

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