Indiana is baby boy

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Just some Alabama x Indiana x Ohio quotes

Alabama, opens the door:

Indiana, looking at him with puppy dog eyes: I missed you.

Alabama: I was gone for 20 minutes.

Indiana, hugging him: 20 minutes is a long time!

Indiana, wakes up: Time to get up.

Indiana: Why can't I move?

Indiana, realizes the other two are on top of him:

Indiana and Ohio, making a pillow fort: 

Alabama: What are you doing?

Ohio: Get in here!

Indiana, sobbing: I LOVE YOU!

Alabama: Are you ok?


Ohio: He's drunk.

South Carolina: Indiana is-

Alabama, holding a knife: Is what? Indiana is what?

South Carolina, nervous: I-Indiana is uhh g-great.

Alabama, sneaking up on Ohio to hug him: Guess who!

Ohio: Hey baby.

Alabama, sneaking up on Indiana to hug him: Guess who!

Indiana: *screams*

Indiana: What if there was a mirror that you could look in and see yourself as a child?

Ohio: Wow I looked so beautiful before my alcohol addiction!

Alabama: DAMN! Me with a will to live looks amazing!


Indiana: Are you guys ok?

Indiana: Wanna watch a horror movie?

Alabama: Don't you get scared easily?

Indiana: I'll be fine!

[30 minutes later]

Indiana, curled up in a blanket clinging onto Alabama: I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine.

Alabama, waking up in Ohio's arms: 

Alabama, whispering: Where's Indiana? I want him to be here.

Alabama, smiling: You know what, I like it here.

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