Ch 4; it's just a name.

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"Excuse me?" Dabi's voice booked throughout the cave as he heard this 'Haru' fellow speak the true name of the griffin. It was a name he recognised, yet hadn't heard for years. How long has it been? He was merely thirteen last time he lived a normal life, and Keigo.. well that was a name he'd resented for a while now. A name he'd thought he'd never heard again outside of his own imagination.

So, to say he was surprised to hear it was an understatement. A very big one, at that. To say he was angry that his old friend apparently was about to be killed by some dumb hunter.. now that, that was funny.

No, he wasn't angry. Not at all– not one single fucking bit.

He was furious.

He was ashamed that he had nearly let it happen– but in his defence, the man had said his name was Hawks, and he wasn't exactly recognisable. That and Dabi's memory was kinda shit.. so of course it didn't pop up that this idiot was Keigo until it was too late.

Dabi was fuming. He seemed just about ready to kill. If only the cave was large enough for him to transform, goddammit..

Dabi trudged his way around the pile of junk he'd say behind, stomping up to Haru. Surprising 'Hawks', he kicked the man, his glare one of death.. again. It was an easy look for Dabi to uphold.

Out the corner of his eye, he saw Kaiyo panic, squealing as she search through her satchel for something.

"Oh no ya don't." Dabi fumed, lifting his arm to shoot a large wave of blue flames at her, narrowly missing the griffin that lay on the ground.

Keigo of course was scared and confused, at least by the looks of it. Of course he was. If he himself was unrecognisable as Keigo, then Dabi would even more so unrecognisable as Touya. Keigo would never know it was him unless the man was to come right out and say it– even then it might not be convincing. Touya was dead, afterall.

"Now now, sir!" Haru spoke, huffing annoyedly as he stood up from his spot on the ground where he'd been kicked. "There's no need for violence! My apprentice did nothing to harm you, now did sh–"

"Leave." Dabi stated simply, his arms hanging limply by his sides.. for now.

"Excuse me? Sir, I'm sorry but I cannot do that– I came here to claim my pri–"

"Leave. Now." Dabi's voice echoed around the cave, causing Haru to freeze up.

Suddenly, Kaiyo bounced up beside Haru, clearly injured from the earlier flames. She had tears staining her face and burns all over– she must've been quite young. Looked it. Dabi doubted she was even last her teen years yet– probably only twelve or thirteen.

This man was dragging a child into battles with him. How fucking pathetic.

"Sir, my prize–" Haru repeated, slowly reaching for his sword.

"You don't get a prize for dragging a kid into battle." Dabi stated simply, holding an arm forwards and shooting a flame towards the pair, listening as Kaiyo screamed while Haru.. well, his voice died down after a moment.

When Dabi stopped the flames, he saw the fallen body of Haru on the ground, Kaiyo crouching down beside it. Was Haru dead? Hopefully. Honestly, Dabi couldn't care less.

"Get him out of here." He demanded, watching as Kaiyo nodded panickedly, grabbing her mentors wrists and dragging him towards the cave entrance. They would probably stay in the ravine for a while, but Dabi didn't care– so long as he got some time to speak with 'Hawks.'


Now that was intense.

The man who'd previously said he couldn't give less of a shit about Keigo's life had just fucking saved him. But why? He showed up after Keigo was forced to speak his name.. was it something to do with that?

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