Old rivals

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Manato pov÷

I couldn't believe who was standing infront of me. He was a white haired boy with an emotionless face just like mine. His voice was very cold and darkness had started leaking out of his yellow eyes.

Looking at him, the same was happening with my eyes and voice. Both of our aura was extremely dark and cold.

"It's been a while, Manato Namara."

"It has. Ito Kado."

"So how has the divine angel of the BlackRoom been?"

"Better than a fallen one."

"Hehe. You sure?"

Ito Kado. When I first entered the BlackRoom, he was the number one in the 3rd generation. No one had come close to getting near his scores. He would usually pick on me cause I was weak. He commanded all the other students in my generation with an iron fist and somehow ultimately had the same control over us as the instructors. He was strong,no he had surpassed the kids of the other generations and was without a doubt going to be the masterpiece. But then when I decided that I would be stronger than anyone else. I surpassed him, when we turned 9. I took the title of the BlackRoom's masterpiece and left him in the dust.

Ever since then he did everything he could to surpass me. He was even known as the number 2 in the BlackRoom. When my mother transformed the generation and made it about 10 times more difficult, he was still able to survive and keep up with me, doing everything he can to shorten the distance between us.

When we turned 11, only 5 of us were left. The other three died and only he and I remained. But soon, not being able to catch upto me drove him to insanity. His mind broke down and he was taken away, making me the last survivor.

But that's what everyone thinks. Apparently he wasn't as broken as they thought. He was kept in a room filled with kids from the same and different generations. That room was meant to keep and observe broken down children and to see if some of them could be recovered. Although the chances of that happening were less than 10%. But it seems he was able to recover and hatched a plan to escape.

The instructors believe that I was the first person to ever escape but they are wrong, my mother kept this information a secret from all the instructors that were not involved in Ito's escape. Only I was told.

When the time came and the children were going to be killed,Ito had somehow manipulated other broken kids and started a rebellion.
All the kids together attacked the instructors despite knowing that they had guns, but I guess they were too broken to think.

In that chaos, Ito managed to escape with 3 others, while all the other kids were killed. Kiyone did everything to find them and kill them. As a result 2 of them were caught and killed, 1 was found died. I was never told the cause. The last one managed to escape somehow and my mother could never find him. After giving up, things went back to normal.

He is also the son of the man, I manipulated into getting me out. He wasn't told about his son's escape as he was one of the instructors not involved. Then he assumed that his son was dead and started to hate Kiyone. Which I used to get out.

But clearly he is alive. Standing right infront of me. My old rival. The fallen angel of the BlackRoom. How the fate likes to make things interesting.

"So how have you been? I thought you were too broken to survive even after your escape."

"So Mrs Kiyone told you huh? Good. Then I won't have to explain how I am here."

"You haven't answered my question."

The Angel of the BlackRoom(Cote fanfic)(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now