Rwby Vol. 8 Part 7

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--Y/n's POV--

Me, Ruby, and Blake came into Weiss' room with tea cups full of coffee in our hands. I helped Weiss earlier with patching Nora up but I had to let her deal with wrapping up her chest since, well, I'm a boy and stuff.

Ruby: How is she? | Weiss: Me and Y/n did what we can do, but she needs a doctor. | Blake: Hopefully, May's able to reach the others. I'm...I really hope they're okay. (the faint sound of thunder rumbled through the walls as it flashed red for a moment due to the volatile lightning around the massive Grimm horde)

Y/n: Salem's monster is making Grimm faster than the Atlas military can kill them. I think the city's not able to stand a chance unless we kill it. | Ruby: It's massive, way bigger than a leviathan. What can we even do? | Y/n: I don't have any kind of magic or got a Semblance for unique attack moves. I only have Gemini and my combat experience to back me up. | Weiss: Penny launched Amity and our message went out, do we just wait for someone to come? If they even come... 

Ruby: ...How did it all get like this...?

May: *comes in* Fiona said your friends haven't been heard from in a while. Unfortunately, the last thing they're worried about is a couple of kids. Come on, I've got the ship ready to head back and-- | Y/n & Weiss: What? | Weiss: *stands up* We can't leave. | May: *strict* It's chaos at the crater! Atlas has its army, but Mantle only has us. People are dying.

Y/n: People are dying here too! Don't you have family in Atlas? | May: No. Mantle needed me, and to the Marigolds, that meant I wasn't their son anymore. And I made sure that everyone knew, that I wasn't their daughter, so forget 'em. They've got Henry, Schnees got Whitley, you get what I'm saying. | Weiss: ...I don't know abou--

May: Which side are you on, anyway? | Blake: We've heard that before... (May walks toward her but Ruby interrupted) | Ruby: There are no sides! We want to help everyone. We're all facing Salem together, and together is the only way we're going to get out of it. | May: *sighs, calming down* So, how exactly do we get out of it?

--Back in the belly, wait, no, sounds wrong. Insides? Of the beast--

Ozpin: "So long as this world turns, you shall walk its face." That was the curse cast upon her, but if Salem can divide humanity beyond repair and bring all four relics back together, she believes that maybe her curse will be broken. The gods will rule against us and destroy Remnant, once and for all. | Hazel: ...nice story, but if Gretchen's death taught me one thing, it was never to trust you.

Oscar: Please, let me. | Oscar: But, Oscar-- | Oscar: You want 'em to trust us? Then trust me.

So, Ozpin closed his eyes and let Oscar regain control.

Oscar: Her name is Jinn. (Hazel lets out a 'Huh?') You want her to come out of the lamp? Just say her name. She can still answer one more question. | Hazel: After all that, you're just going to give Salem the password? (grabs his collar and lifts him up) | Oscar: No, I'm giving you the password and hoping you'll find the truth for yourself.

Hazel widens his eyes and slowly let Oscar back down.

--Jack's POV--

Jack: You can't blow it up with Oscar still in there! | Vine: That creature causes more damage every minute. We cannot wait. | Jaune: Please Winter! Give us a chance to to have us rescue him first! We...we can be your test run! (Niko and Jack looks at him with awe, surprised of his idea) You don't know what'll be waiting for you inside, right? So we can go ahead and check it out and look for Oscar while we're inside! | Marrow: You want to go inside that thing alone? | Niko: Wouldn't you do it for Elm, Harriet, Vine?

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