Chapter 11

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Hey everyone! How're you? Just wanted to make sure you're all still okay... I clearly wasn't, though not until I finished this school year.


Though seriously, the school barely left me half a braincell, almost dead💀.

Good thing I'll finally graduate this May. Though not excited for College💀. I don't even know what course/career to take dkdjdnd. I've chosen architecture for college btw.🤡 hopoe I won't regret. YOLO

How 'bout you? What's your dream? Or course if you're already in college.

Chapter start

1st pov:

After that whole show earlier, Emma and Hinata left after staying for a moment leaving me and Takemichi to talk alone.

I continue to place piece after piece on the chess board as the silence remains.


"...err...umm... why are you here, y/n-san?" Takemichi can no longer contain the silence as he finally ask me after watching me awkwardly for a few minutes.

"Hm? I'm strategizing and finding the outcome of the war" I explained as I look at him for a moment before continuing to place some pieces in places.

"Huh?! Strategizing? Outcome?" Takemichi jolted in surprise when he heard this.

"Yes. And I can't proceed for the next move if you don't tell me everything you know." I look at him with seriousness straight in his eyes and see him gulp. Nervous?

"W...what are you talking about?" Takemichi avoided my gaze as he said this.

"Don't try to fool me, Takemichi. I know when someone does." I warned him.

*gulp* " should I begin..?" He ask.

"How about telling me the reason why you're so adamant in not fighting with Moebius?"

"!!" I can see his eyes widen in surprise before he replied, "'s because... something bad will happen to Touman and Draken-kun!" I can see the desperation in his eyes as if telling me to believe him as he continues, " listen, y/n-san, we should not fight with Moebius."

"Draken? Are you implying something bad will happen to Kenchin if we fight Moebius? Are you messing with me?" I questioned him with a bit of irritation.

"N-No! I'm not. Really. Cross my heart, I'm telling the truth!" He replied as he made the motion of crossing his heart with his finger.

"Alright then, I'll believe you. For now. On to the next question. What or who do you think would harm Kenchin?" I ask as I look back down again at the chess board.

"I'm not sure...probably from Moebius." Takemichi stated with his hand on his chin.

"Hmm, and do you know when and where it would happen?" I ask.

"Probably on the day of the battle, on the 3rd of August during the Musashi Festival."

"Is that why you proposed to Kenchin to be his bodyguard?" I giggled about the thought as I see Takemichi embarrass.

With Jackets and Dorayaki (Mikey x reader) fanficWhere stories live. Discover now