A Prince and His Prisoner

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Oh don't worry, it wasn't fatal, but you still shouldn't try it. The next time they met wasn't much later, and not too far away.

It was nearly midnight, and no moonlight could even come close to reaching the slitted window in the stone walls. The only light came from the lantern that the prince held, illuminating no more than the two silhouettes.

"Hey, you're awake!" The prince put down the lantern, leaning closer, a smile breaking across his face. "I thought you were dead for sure, with a fall from that high, but you still had a pulse, so you couldn't have been, and you're awake now so obviously you're alive, and- oh I'm rambling again..."

He was shocked to receive laughter as a response, but more shocked by the tone of the laughter. He smiled, sitting down crossing his legs. "I should probably introduce myself shouldn't I... gosh I'm rude today," he shook his head, "you probably know who I am already, don't you? Unless it's so dark that you can't see... can you see at all?"

"I can see you just fine, don't worry yourself"

"Oh! Um... okay! So um, what's your name?"

And they did in fact exchange names. Oh don't make that face, you'll find out some day.

After some time and a lot more of the prince's rambling, the thief asked "don't you have anyone better to annoy?" before leaning against the wall in a failed attempt to move.

"...oh. Actually, not really. Everyone's always busy, and me and my brother sorta attack each other on sight"

"You do what?"

"Yeah, last time he hit me in the head with a mace"

the monster started laughing hysterically,

leaning against the wall as not to fall again.

"It's not funny!" The prince also started laughing. "Okay, fine, it is."

And they talked for hours. It was almost sunrise, and the prince had to leave, but he promised to return. He did in fact keep his promise. He came back night after night, bringing new stories, until one night he suddenly stopped coming.

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