Chapter 54

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Do you want me to come over and  hit you in the balls even harder?
Quinn's pov

The bell rang. I quickly packed my stuff away and ran out of the classroom. I couldn't bare being in the same room as him any longer. I made my way outside to have lunch. I walked over  to the small patch of grass and sat down on a blanket Blair had pulled out for us. A few moments later Jake and Blake walked over. Blair is still trying to come up with a ship name but can't cause their names rhyme. All the names she's came up with so far have been horrible. I mean HORRIBLE. "How about Jabla?" She took a bite of her sandwich. "That's worst than the last one" Jake giggled. Suddenly I felt something hard hit off my shoulder. I gasped in pain. I looked down to see a football beside me. I looked around and noticed some of the football guys glaring at us from the bleachers. Then I heard it. His laugh. My eyes shot over at him. He was laughing so hard that he started gasping for air. I jumped up and walked over to him. "What the fuck!?" I yelled as he tried to control his laughs. "You think this is funny!?" I glared as him. He just started laughing at me. "I hope you find this funny" I smiled sweetly as I used all my strength to throw the ball at his crotch. "Owwww my balls!" He groaned as he stumbled to the ground. "You're right this is funny" I giggled then walked away. I got back to the blanket and saw down. "So.... what were we talking about?" I smiled.......

The bell rang as we headed back to class. It only one more period till I get to go home. I got to class and sat down. A few minutes later Luke walked in and sat down. I smirked and turned around to face him. "Aww is your dick okay!? Damn how ya gonna fuck girls now!?" I said with a dramatic voice. He glared at me. "You're such a bitch" he spat back. I rolled my eyes and turned around. A few minutes later he rested his feet on the back of my chair. I was at boiling point but I ignored it. About half way through the class the teacher had to leave for something. "Be quite while I'm gone I'll only be a few minutes" he said as he left the room. The moment he left the room was filled with chat. "Can you please take your feet off my chair?" I hissed at him. "No". "Do you want me to come over and hit you in the balls even harder?" I hissed as he moved his feet. "You need to chill". "Stop annoying and I will". "Your just annoying yourself I'm not doing anything" he kicked my chair. "I'm going to mur-" the teacher walked back into the room. "Silence" he put his fingers over his lips. 'Chill dude we aren't 5' I groaned him my head.

Finally school ended and I got up to leave. I got to the door entrance and sat down on the steps. I have to wait for Carson cause Blair had to leave school earlier for something. I think it had to do with her parents but I'm not really sure. After a while Carson walked over to his car. "Hey Carson I need a lift-" I paused. He grabbed a bag from the trunk. "Sorry I'm not heading home now some of the guys decided we should play a basketball match but you can ask Luke" he started to walk away. "Carson please it's starting to rain and I don't wanna walk". "I said you can ask Luke. "But i don't want too" I groaned. "That or the rain" he walked away faster as I stood in the car park. I headed over to his car. He was chatting up this girl. I coughed to let him know I was here. "What do you want?" He looked at me strangely. "Carson won't drive me home and it's starting to rain" I paused to catch a breath. "I need a ride" I dragged out. "Okay and how's that my problem?" He leaned against the car. "Can you just please drop me home?!" I said through clenched teeth. "No you hit me in my area with a ball" he folded his arms. "You hit me in the arm with a ball first!" I barked back. "Fine I rather walk in the rain" I yelled before walking away. "Get in the car" I heard him huff from behind me. I turned around and fake smiled. I got in his car.

The car ride was short but long at the same time. We just kept nagging at each other. The car finally pulled up outside my house. "Thank you" I hopped out of the car. He drove away. I was about to open the door when I heard something behind me. Blair pulled up in her car. "Get in loser we're going shopping!" she yelled and honked her horn. I ran over to her window. "What are you doing?". "The Valentine's Day dance in soon so we need to get dresses. I looked over and saw Jake in the front seat. I rolled my eyes and got in the back seat.

We got to the mall. We walked into the huge shop. Jake found this really nice silky baby blue suit. Blair found this beautiful grey dress. I couldn't really find anything. Jake and Blair ran to the dressing rooms. I made my way over and sat on the fancy couch. Jake came out and stood on the small stage facing the huge mirror. "Omg that looks amazing" I smiled. "I love it!" He smiled staring in the mirror. Blair came cat-walking out. "That is stunning!" I fan-girled. Jake helped her onto the step. "It's gorgeous!" He smiled.

"There has to be something here for you" she said as she sat down next to me in her ballroom like gown. "I just haven't really seen anything yet" I shrugged. "How about this?" Jake held a red dress. "Just try it on" Blair pushed me into the fitting room. I walked out a few moments later. "I don't like it. I feel weird" I rested my hands on hips while looking in the mirror. I tried on a few more dresses before wanting to just give up. Blair looked a little flustered.

Third person

Blair's eyes landed on this faint pink dress. "This" she held the dress up. "Blair let's just go I can find one in another store". "Just one more dress" Blair pleaded. Quinn took a breath and took the dress off her. Blair walked over and sat down next to Jake. They were both still in their dance outfits. A few moments later Quinn pulled the curtain back. They both gasped. "Thats the dress" Blair squealed. Quinn looked at her confused. She made her way over to the step. She glared at herself in the mirror. "You need to buy that" Jake squealed along with Blair. The dress was beautiful. It barely tipped off the floor. The end was a little poofy but nothing huge. It had lace all on the top around the neck and chest. It fitted her perfectly. Quinn's was still staring in the mirror except her face grew sadder. "Hey whats wrong? Do you not like the dress?" The both looked concerned. A tear fell down her cheek. "I love the dress but ya know I just started thinking about my parents and the way they're not gonna take photos and interrogate the guy that's gonna take me to the dance like they do I'm all the movies" she wiped her eyes. "Oh" they both ran over to hug her. "Anyway I think I'll get this dress" she giggled. Blair let out a small laugh. Quinn looked back up at the mirror. Her eyes narrowed. "What are you doing here?' She looked confused. "Uhh I-" Luke struggled to get the words out his mouth. When her looked at her in this dress he felt his heart warm up. He looked at her in awe. He felt his face blush. "Well they sell tuxes in here and I ordered this one last week to pick up" he gulped. "Oh at one stage I thought you were stalking me" she giggled looking back in the mirror...........

Authors note: hey I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry for any spelling errors I'm kinda in a rush! Ilysm!

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