Chapter 18

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I left Tommy once he told me what I needed to know because honestly I didn't owe him anything. To me, him telling me about DreamXD was paying off his debt.

I decided it would best to get some rest before I do anything else, so I walked home.

I was going home.

When I arrived I hurriedly rushed in.

Until I saw him standing in the hallway. My eyes lit up when I saw him turn towards me.

"(Y/n)!" Sapnap exclaimed happily, running towards me and embracing me. "You are freezing."

My lips curled upwards and I wrapped my arms around his neck. Sapnap has been one of the few people I was excited to see again. One of the few people I genuinely cared about.

"Warm me up then," I said softly letting him squeeze me tighter.

He embraced me for a little longer and then let me ago. He stared at me. "I can't believe you are here."

I have been smiling so hard it began to make me face hurt.

I tell him, "I missed you so much- and Christmas."

I did my best to imply that I wanted him to take me to her. It had been a year since I gotta see her last, my stomach hurt at the fact that she might not remember me.

"Of course, I will bring you to her. Do you want me to show you your room?"

"I remember how to get there," I stated. It hasn't been that long where I would forget that.

Sapnap awkwardly tapped his foot. "Th-that one doesn't exist anymore. Dream couldn't-"

He struggled to get the right words out.

However, I didn't need him to say anymore. The thought of Dream in such mental pain made my stomach hurt. I wonder how many things he destroyed because it reminded him of me.

Oh god, hopefully not my cat.

"Yes take me to my room." I reached my arm out for Sapnap and he took it bringing me to my destination.

This room was on the opposite end of the complex. As we passed the dimly lit hallway, I could only assume he was taking me to Dream's current one.

When I twisted the door knob, I didn't take notice of the decor, furniture, or colors. All I saw was my cat.

I let go of Sapnap and went to her.

I crouched down to pet her softly while Sapnap started to speak. "When Dream went to prison, I planned on letting her sleep in my room but she didn't want to leave," Sap shuffled awkwardly by the door, "They bonded a lot when you were gone and I think she just stayed here because she was waiting for him to come home."

My cat has good taste in men.

I admired Christmas and whispered quiet enough where Sapnap couldn't hear. "He will be home soon."

Sapnap walked across the room to sit on a chair and adjusted until he was comfortable. "How are you feeling?"

He then patted the chair next to him motioning for me to sit down in it.

I walked over to it and Christmas followed me until I sat down. She jumped up to sit on my lap.

"As well as can be expected." I moved my eyes to his.

I wanted to ask him about Dream. Has he seen him? Did he honestly think he should spend the rest of his life locked up? But I didn't.

Instead he spoke, "I was hoping this week we could hangout, just the two of us. Maybe see the garden and I could give you the rundown on what you missed."

The garden. Filled with flowers . While I used to think they were beautiful, I only see them for their thorns that are ready to draw blood. Looks are betraying. Tommy was betraying.

"How much could I have possibly missed?"

Sap told me to wait here while he went to grab something. I nodded and continued to pet Christmas.

He came back and handed me a photo before sitting back down.

On it was Tubbo, he looked like the things he saw in the past year had aged him. Next to him was a taller man, a lot taller. In the middle was a young boy. I didn't recognize either of the two.

But they were all smiling. Tubbo smiled the biggest out of all of them.

"That is Tubbo, his husband and his son," Sapnap warily looked at me, "A lot changed in that year."

His eyes scanned mine. Dream changed. I saw it in the look he gave me, I felt it through his eyes.

I looked back at that photo. Their smiles now felt taunting.They had things I would never have: a real marriage, feeling safe enough to have a kid, and peace.

Dream and I will never have peace a day in our lives. We will always have to fight and one day we will get too tired.

"I-I know you love him but he can't leave the prison. He needs to atone for the things he has done, for the people he has hurt. You are going to kill yourself trying to get him out of there." Sapnap waited until I looked at him to continue, "And I really don't want to have to lose you again."

My mouth was dry. What was I supposed to tell him? I couldn't just give up on Dream not when everyone else had.

So I lied. "A walk in the garden sounds really nice, Sap."

He smiled at my decision and walked up to me. Sapnap kissed me on the cheek then left me to my thoughts.

Tomorrow, I will see DreamXD. 

I will fight one last time.

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