Chapter 3

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     I read the letter over and over again to make certain that I am truly reading the letter from him correctly. He is coming here? For me? For a long time it has been the very thing that I have dreamed of and not that it is coming true, I do not know what to feel within my soul. When I wish to be out there and every day since I can remember myself, I've always wanted one thing; to be out in the world which I cannot touch. Now that I might be going, I worry with my whole heart.

I stand up and run towards the window of the tower and look around on the ground to see if he is here. Sorrow forms in my heart when my eyes cannot see him. I do not know where he will come form yet inside I know that he cannot see the tower nor know where I am, truly know where I am. The only reason why the tower cannot be seen from outside is because my mother had made me cast a spell on it when I was a child. A human found it once, I do not know what happened, but I know he did not live to see the next day.

Sighing I continue to watch outside. Praying that he will be able to find the tower and before my mother comes home. I think of a way to get me down from the tower. It has been a thought that has crossed my mind every single day of my life. Getting out of this tower has always been the goal of my life, and yet it is what I have never been able to achieve. I once tried to climb down the tower, it did not work.

The same magic that keeps me from walking down the stairs that do lead out of the tower is the same outside the tower as well. My mother has never taught me that kind of magic and keeps all spells hidden away in places that I can only assume are kept with the same magic. Only she knows how to break it and get past it. While I do not. I continue to watch the world, moving my eyes everywhere to see him when he comes. All while I think of a way to get out of here.

Like always I come up empty and the longer that I stare out there. Watch the sky darken, and he does not hate to appear before my sight. Hope seems to fade away from me with each minute that passes by. He had spoken in his letter that he would be coming for me. I wonder if he will ever find me at all or if he made it out of his house. Caelestinus expresses himself in the letters to be forbidden to go wherever he wishes to go. His parents refuse to allow him to go out that often.

We are so much alike and yet so different at the same time, both of us are equally as trapped. The sun has begun to set. Now, I know my mother will be back soon, and it is better that he does not arrive when she does nor when she is home. My mother would never allow me to go anywhere and especially when it comes to a man. She says that men are greedy and only desire one thing and when a man says he loves you, he does not mean it. Men are not capable of love.

I knew that it was wrong the moment she says it. For, I cannot believe that mankind is incapable of feelings. It simply cannot be the truth. Of course, I know my mother does make things worse than they actually are, and I truly do not think that she means anything by doing so. She has been hurt before, in the past, and often I can see that she continues to feel hurt inside her heart. I do my utter best to help her in any way that I can, only I have never known how to do that. How to help her.

When I was about to turn away from the window, I see something. Something that I have never seen before. A horse and it is heading straight towards the tower. I do not see the one who rides the horse, yet it does not take long for me to realize that it is him on there. He found me. He came for me. He is here. A smile comes to my lips as I watch him from afar. He truly is coming here, and he knows where to go. The humans that I have seen pass here by never go to the tower, nor anywhere near it.

I watch with glee in my eyes as the horse comes nearer and nearer. As if he can truly see it. If he looks up towards me, I do not know. The dark of the growing night hides his face from me. The trees shield him as well. Making it difficult for me to even see him at all. To see that he has come for me. Jumping to my feet, I gather things that I will need. Now that he is here, it is true. I shall be getting out of here. Somehow.

Taking a couple of gowns and other necessities that I shall need. I walk into my mother's chambers, they are smaller than mine as she does not have much. I do not know why I have come here, I simply felt that I had to. There is something here that is eager to have me. Walking around the chambers themselves. I have never been allowed to be here as she forbade me. Why? I do not know, but I have a feeling I am about to find that out right now. There is something in here that pulls me towards itself.

To her bed or rather under her bed. I have this strange feeling that pulls me there. Many times in my past I have felt myself drawn to whatever is hidden there, I always tried my best to not do anything about it and to ignore it. With each passing second I find that feeling glow even stronger. Years of keeping that feeling inside me and hidden away are making it even stronger than it was. Almost unbearable for me to even do anything which make things much worse than they are, I believe at least.

The guilt for what I am attempting to do is weighing heavily on me. It has been everything that I am not sup;posed to do, and it feels like I am disobeying my mother. In fact, I am down exactly that. On the other hand this has been everything that I have ever wanted in my life. To go out in the world and see it and feel it for myself, to meet the man that I have begun to fall for which I think is love. His letters are the only things that make me realize that I am not alone anymore, perhaps I never was.

I look under her bed, I do not see that much from the darkness, but something is glowing under there. I cannot see what it is for the thing that glows is inside a box which has the lid on top. From then sides of the box I can see that it has this white glow to it. A glow that I have never seen before. It pulls me towards itself somehow. My body does become someone else's when I reach other and pull the box from under the bed and take the lid off.

Gasping when the light becomes far too intense for me, and I am forced to close my eyes. Despite the light being is bright, I find that I do not wish to look away from it. When I could, I open my eyes to look inside the box itself. My jaw nearly drops open when I see the largest jewel that my eyes have ever laid on. While I have never seen many in my life, I know they are meant to be much smaller than this. The jewel is one that I do not know. Perhaps a diamond or some sort of that kind, I do not know.

Slowly I reach down into the box and pick up the jewel into my hands. It's large enough to be the size of my fist. Kit is heavy yet light at the same time, which does surprise me for I thought it would be much heavier than this. I do not know why, yet I have this tiny voice whispering in my mind to take that jewel with me. As if the jewel itself is speaking in my mind, and it tells me things and wants me to do things for itself, like it were alive.

I hurry to look around the room and searching for a cloth. Once I have found it, I run towards my chambers to where I have packed things in and lay it gently on there. Then I look outside the window. In the darkness it is much harder to see him, yet I can see him faintly still on his horse. Much closer than he was before. I continue to pray that he will make it here, and I will be able to get out of here before my mother comes back. It is a race against that at the moment.

Smiling I find that my heart simply will not slow down and neither do I want it to. I am finally getting the very thing that I have been hoping for my entire life. The guilt is trying to ruin the mood, yet I will not allow it. Once I have it all, and I have packed all the things that I will need. I take then letter that he had given me and a quill. I write down things on the paper, then I summon the raven to come to me with the spell.

I watch as he flies in through the window. Sometimes I wonder if he does care about me, then I think of all the years that he has been there for me and I have my answer. Even when I do not summon him, he always comes back. "Take this to him" I say and throw the letter outside. The raven's black eyes meet mine for just a second before he flies out of the window and towards the letter to catch it. He does so with ease. When I was a child, I used to wish for wings like he has to take me away everywhere.

Waiting for him to get my letter I watch the world out there. The fear of my mother arriving before I have found a way out of here grows with every second. Though, while I have not tested it out, I did write in my letter that there is a way for him to get up. When he comes up here we will figure out together what we must do to get me out of here. And we will have to be quick about it as well for who knows when my mother will come home.

My eyes watch as the horse grows nearer, and then it stops when it is by the tower. This happiness rushes through my entire body as I ignore all that I know about anything else. All I care about now is him and the freedom and the world that is waiting for us. So close that I can almost touch it. So close that I can feel myself in the world and out there. He gets off his horse and then his head turns to look up, directly to where I am looking down. Our eyes meet.

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